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Zoom can be integrated within D2L Brightspace. Instructors can conduct Zoom meetings within a D2L course and students enrolled in the course have access to attend the meetings without the need for the instructor to send or post the meeting link. The integration allows instructors to schedule Zoom meetings, view upcoming and past Zoom meetings, and start/join Zoom meetings from a D2L course. Zoom meetings created within the course will be added to the course calendar in D2L and meeting recordings can be viewed and shared within the course.
To use Zoom within a course in D2L Brightspace, the instructor must first add Zoom to the course.
The Course Navigation Bar can be easily changed from the "Course Default" Navbar to a navigation bar that includes Zoom.
Select “Edit Course” in the Navigation Bar of your course in D2L. (You may have to select the "More" link in the top navigation to see "Edit Course.")
Select “Navigation & Themes” listed under Site Setup.
From the “Active Navbar” dropdown menu, select the "Course Default - with Zoom" navbar, then, select "Apply".