Regardless of whether you choose to file a report with the police or a complaint with the University, it is important that you obtain medical treatment following an assault. Medical attention is not just for support in filing a complaint, it is to make sure that you are medically cared for following a trauma to your body.
As soon as possible after a sexual assault, a rape evidence exam may be conducted to collect evidence for criminal prosecution. You can have the exam completed and make a decision at a later time if you want to file a police report. Having the exam completed gives you more options for responding to the assault. This exam can only be performed at a hospital emergency room. Locally, this exam is performed at:
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center
1000 Health Center Dr.
Mattoon, IL 61938
If you do not want to go to the local hospital and you are currently enrolled at EIU, you may receive services at EIU Medical Clinic. If you are not sure what you want to do, you can review your options with the confidential advisor, Jessica Cobert (formerly Milburn), located at the EIU Counseling Clinic (217-581-3413) or a medical provider at EIU Medical Clinic (217-581-2727).
EIU Counseling Center
Office of Civil Rights
Dean of Students
M-F 9-4:30pm