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Interpersonal Violence Resources and Prevention

Confidential Advisor


The university confidential advisor is someone who is able to provide emergency and on going support to those who have experienced relationship violence, sexual violence, stalking, and sex based harassment. They provide a safe and confidential space for you to feel heard and learn about your rights and options. Confidential advisors are not obligated to report crimes to the University or law enforcement. 

Free and confidential services are available at the EIU Counseling Clinic. Call 217-581-3413 to speak with someone and/or to schedule an appointment. Jessica Cobert (formerly Milburn), counselor and confidential advisor, or the on-call counselor, would be happy to meet with you. 

The Counseling Clinic may provide the following:

  • Ongoing source of support and advocacy for survivors.
  • Information on available university and community resources.
  • Review reporting options and accompany survivor to file either a police or university report – if the survivor chooses to do so.
  • Accompany survivors to needed appointments or meetings.
  • Assist in exploring options for a change in residence.
  • Assist in arranging for contact with course instructors and advocating for accommodations needed to maintain academic progress.

Talking with someone at the Counseling Clinic does not mean that a report has been filed with any of the reporting options. The Counseling Clinic will assist with reporting only if the student desires and provides verbal and written permission. Filing a report is separate from accessing needed support services. 

If the alleged perpetrator is also a student, the Counseling Clinic may provide supportive services as well. This is on a case by case basis. Counseling Staff ensure that confidentiality is maintained and a safe, supportive environment is available to all students who engage in services at the Clinic. If you have questions about confidentiality, or its limits, a counselor may speak with you to answer your questions.







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Contact Information

Jessica Cobert, Confidential Advisor

EIU Counseling Center

Dr. Shawn Peoples, Director of Civil Rights & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator

Office of Civil Rights

Brittany Floyd, Assistant Dean of Students/ Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Dean of Students

Sarah Jacobs, Assistant Director for Residential Life/ Title IX Investigator


Office Hours

M-F 9-4:30pm

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