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Interpersonal Violence Resources and Prevention

If You Have Experienced Sex-Based Harassment  

You have options and things to consider:

  • Filing a complaint- You control when and where to file a complaint. (In some circumstances, the University may be required to proceed with an investigation without you cooperation if failing to do so would put the greater campus community at risk.)  Complaints may be filed in the Dean of Students office when the respondent is a student and in the Office of Civil Rights & Diversity, when an employee is the respondent. Additionally, a report may be filed with the University Police Department. Click here for more information on filing a complaint.
  • The following may help to preserve evidence: not showering/washing, not using the bathroom, not changing clothes, not brushing your teeth or rinsing out your mouth.
  • Consider seeking medical attention. A sexual assault crisis advocate can help you through the process at the hospital. An advocate can be reached by calling Prevail (numbers listed below). Medical and follow up care are important regardless of whether you choose to report the assault.

Other Suggestions:

  • Remember, it is NOT your fault! You are not responsible for the actions of others.
  • Talk with others about your experience. Seeking support from others can help you in your healing process
  • There are a variety of emotions and responses survivors may have to trauma. Survivors may experience anger, self blame, depression and anxiety. Survivors may experience sleep and appetite disturbances, difficulty focusing, withdrawal from loved ones, and many other things.  
  • You are encouraged to contact the EIU Counseling Clinic and speak with a counselor and/or Jessica Cobert (formerly Milburn), the confidential advisor, at (217-581-3413). Jessica can assist in filing complaints (both on and off campus), if the student so chooses. She can assist with gathering information on orders of protection, civil no contact orders, and restraining orders, and accessing housing, academic supports, and treatment for medical needs. After-hours, you can reach a Life Links crisis counselor (1-866-567-2400) or the Prevail crisis hotline (1-888-345-2846).
  • Advocates through Prevail (217-348-5033) and HOPE (217-348-5931) also are available to assist survivors with filing reports, orders of protection, and civil no contact orders. 

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Contact Information

Jessica Cobert, Confidential Advisor

EIU Counseling Center

Dr. Shawn Peoples, Director of Civil Rights & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator

Office of Civil Rights

Brittany Floyd, Assistant Dean of Students/ Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Dean of Students

Sarah Jacobs, Assistant Director for Residential Life/ Title IX Investigator


Office Hours

M-F 9-4:30pm

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