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Livingston C. Lord: The Builder


Eastern Illinois University

Charleston, Illinois


Coles County



Additional Resources

Lord Home  The Administrator  Lord of the Manor


The Teacher          The Man        



Lord Builder

Although several buildings were constructed prior to Lord’s arrival to Charleston, he had a great influence on the development of the campus landscape for the next thirty-five years, including the building of Pemberton and Blair Halls.

Within the first year of the school’s establishment, Mr. Lord advocated vehemently for a women’s dorm. The Illinois legislature was taken aback at this request and wrote off the suggestion. After an eight year struggle, Lord was granted both funds and permission to build the dormitory.  Named for Senator Stanton C. Pemberton, a loyal supporter, it became the first women’s dormitory in the state. The hesitation of lawmakers was overcome by the support of parents and students, who appreciated the great advantages of safety and camaraderie that on-campus women’s housing provided.

Livingston Lord not only assisted in shaping the physical environment of Eastern’s campus to reflect its intellectual values, he built a school that encouraged diversity and a sense of community. After Lord's death, the original Normal school building, Old Main, was officially named the Livingston C. Lord Administration Building.



Lord's Request for Contractors to Work on Pemberton Hall



Request for a Proposal



Interest in Pemberton Hall Contract



Interest in Pemberton Hall Contract by a Charleston Architect



  Lord Invites Senator Pemberton to the New Dormitory


room and board

Room and Board at Pemberton


about pem

 Recruiting Residents for the New Dormitory


green house

Installation of a Greenhouse