On the Home Front: Coles County in World War II
On the Home Front: Coles County in World War II
VJ Parade 1945
From 1941-1945, the United States participated in a worldwide war.
While Americans fought in Europe and the Pacific, the citizens of Coles County lent their support to the millions of soldiers overseas. Through the draft and volunteer activity, the County sent over 2,000 of its friends and family to battle. It raised thousands of dollars through the selling and purchase of war stamps and bonds. Men, women, and children collected paper and rubber in the many salvage drives that were held throughout the County. Ration books were passed out among residents, in order to save items that may assist in the war effort. Victory gardens were planted to grow food for the soldiers abroad.
The United Service Organization (U.S.O.) sponsored activities for soldiers that made their way through the County. Coles County was not oblivious to the actions and heartache on the other side of the ocean. Even though they could not fight side by side with their fellow citizens, they performed a tremendous service to the men and women serving in World War II
Click on the following links to learn a little more about what people did during the war years.
War Bonds and Stamps
Victory Gardens
Children and the War Effort
Oral History Project
Site created by Kristin Brown, Eastern Illinois University