Undergraduate Information
Prospective and Current Undergraduate Students
Frequently asked questions
How do I decide a major or know what to do with a major?
I have applied to EIU and been accepted. What do I need to do to ensure that I receive accommodations for my classes?
What is the process for receiving my accommodations letter?
Where can I find information on the ACT?
Where can I find information on the TAP?
Will Accessibility and Accommodations complete the TAP-Institutional Verification of Documentation form?
Where can I find information about applying for accommodations when taking exams required for admittance into graduate school programs?
What do I do if I feel I have not been provided my approved accommodations or services?
How do I decide a major or know what to do with a major?
Some students know exactly what they want to do after graduation and what is needed to reach this goal. Other students may require some support in figuring out what they would like to do. Eastern Illinois University’s Career Center is an available resource to help students looking for guidance in possible career options. Click here to visit the Career Center website to learn more
Meeting with your academic adviser in the Academic Advising Center is an additional available resource to support students throughout their academic career at EIU. Click here to visit the Academic Advising Center website to learn more
I have applied to EIU and been accepted. What do I need to do to ensure that I receive accommodations for my classes?
It is important that you contact Accessibility and Accommodations as soon as possible. The office uses specific criteria for determining eligibility for accommodations. Click here to learn more about eligibility criteria.
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What is the process for receiving my accommodation letter?
- Current students must log in to the A&A portal each semester to send a letter to each of their instructors electronically either before or during the first week of classes.
- Teachers must be given a minimum of one week to prepare for testing accommodations when possible.
- Students are strongly encouraged to meet with instructors during office hours to discuss accommodations; if they have a time conflict, they should make an appointment to meet with the instructor at a different time.
- If a student has followed the above steps and is not being accommodated, they need to contact A&A right away.
- If students are experiencing difficulty and would like to have additional accommodations considered, they should contact A&A.
- Students should let A&A know if they have issues or concerns as they happen. This can help prevent more difficult issues from occurring.
- Students with interim accommodations will generate a letter with the interim status stated at the top. These are only good for one semester.
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Where can I find information on the ACT?
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Where can and I find information on the TAP?
You may learn more about the TAP by visiting the following website. Click here for more information.
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Will Accessibility and Accommodations complete the TAP-Institutional Verification of Documentation form?
- No, due to the A&A not working directly with ILTS, we are unable to assure that the A&A accommodation recommendations meet ILTS standards.
- ILTS allows students to submit their applications for accommodations without the completion of the Institutional Verification of Documentation form.
- The A&A staff may assist any students registered with our office in the completion of their application for assessment to the best of our ability based on our interpretation of the ILTS.
- If you have any questions regarding testing accommodations, it is recommended to contact ILTS Alternate Testing Arrangement Coordinator at: (800) 239-8107 or (413) 256-2870 or access ILTS Alternate Testing Arrangement Website.
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Where can I find information about applying for accommodations when taking exams required for admittance into graduate school programs?
You may learn more about applying for accommodations on these exams by visiting our graduate school webpage. Click here to visit our Graduate Student Assessment Links webpage.
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What do I do if I feel I have not been provided my approved accommodations or services?
Students who are registered with Accessibility and Accommodations have the right to receive their approved accommodations and services. If at any time there are concerns regarding services or accommodations, please contact Accessibility and Accommodations and ask to speak to the director. If it is felt that the director has not adequately addressed the concerns, students have the right to contact the Office of Civil Rights at 217-581-5020.
Students also have the right at any time during the process to contact the Office of Civil Rights to file a grievance.
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