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CCLHP: April 6, 1864 Murder


Eastern Illinois University

Charleston, Illinois


Coles County



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April 6, 1864 - Charleston Courier


The 54th Regiment Illinois Volunteers offer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD for the apprehension of John H. O’Hair, Sheriff of Coles County J. Elsbury Hanks, John Frazier, James W. Frazier, Henderson O’Hair, James O’Hair, Jesse O’Hair, B.F. Toland, and B.F. Dukes, all of whom were engaged in the brutal murder of Major York and four soldiers of the 54th Regiment and wounding of several others, in Charleston, on Monday March 28th, 1864.

Description John H O’Hair, height 5 feet 11 in., age 35, eyes light, hair light, complextion light, Sheriff of the county. J. Elsbury Hanks, 5ft. 8in., 35 yrs. old, dark eyes, light complexion and hair, farmer. John Frazier, 5ft. 8 in., age 32 dark eyes, dark hair and complexion, farmer. James W. Frazier 6ft, age 40 dark eyes, complexion and hair, farmer. Henderson O’Hair, 6ft. age 40 dark eyes, complexion and hair, farmer. James O’Hair, 5 ft. 11in., age 45, light eyes hair and complexion, farmer. Jesse O’Hair, 5ft. 9in., light eyes hair and complexion; farmer. B.F. Toland, 5ft. 10in., age 35, black eyes hair and complexion, farmer. B.F. Dukes, 5ft. 8in., age 35, light eyes hair and complexion, loafer.

The citizens of Coles County will pay $300 for the apprehension of J. H. O’Hair, and $100 for each of the above named, and for Alexander Rogers. This reward will be given whether dead or alive. Dukes is badly cut about the face. Charleston, Ills., April 2, 1864.

