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EIU Department of
World Languages and Cultures

Why Choose Chinese?

Great Wall



Our Courses… 

Chinese 1101  (Fall Semester); Chinese 1102  (Spring Semester)

Fall 2023...

Chinese 2

China is…

  • the most populous nation in the world
  • the second largest economy in the world
  • one of the largest trading partners of the US
  • one of the world’s oldest civilizations
  • a culture with a rich heritage of literature and film


Chinese is spoken…

  • by more native speakers than any other language—Mandarin Chinese is spoken by about 900 million people*
  • by millions of people in the U.S.—it's the third most spoken language after English and Spanish
  • by Chinese communities outside the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, such as Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, and Mongolia.  


Why you should study Chinese...

  • Chinese is the most useful business language after English
  • Top of the list of the “Ten most useful business languages for English speakers” **
  • Chinese may give you an edge when competing for a job.
  • Business leaders are looking for people with language and intercultural skills
  • Studying Chinese will help you better understand the cultural framework that is crucial for effective communication
  • Chinese will open the door to Chinese politics, history, economy, and archeology

Get a head start and pick up Chinese now!


Experience China yourself…

Teach English in China (after graduating) and further develop your skills.

An increasing number of Chinese language schools and companies are looking for English speakers to teach their students or employees. 

Check these websites for more information:

Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)

ESL in China

ESL Cafe


EIU’s China Initiative is growing…

  • Every year Chinese students come to EIU for a semester or year, or to pursue degrees in many different disciplines
  • EIU faculty go to China to teach
  • Faculty from Chinese universities come to EIU to teach or do research


Asian Studies Minor…

Chinese 1101 and Chinese 1102 count towards the Minor.

Asian Studies Minor 


What you may not know…

Chinese may be easier than you think.

Tired of learning verb conjugations, tenses, and complicated word order?

Chinese grammar is quite simple.

Why native English speakers can learn Mandarin easily 


Check it out…

*    World Languages

**   Best World Languages for Your Career (Kiplinger) 

      More Reasons to Learn Chinese (Forbes) 


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Contact Information

Department of World Languages & Cultures

Coleman Hall, First Floor
Fax: 217-581-3113

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