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EIU Department of
World Languages and Cultures

Career Opportunities


Get Your Job Advantage in a Global Economy! 

 Your Questions--Our Answers

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Why are job applicants with World Language skills in demand?


Your future employer knows that you have a core set of skills and abilities in...


Human Relations

Critical Thinking

Problem Solving




With a Major (or Minor) in World Languages, you are able to...

  • Communicate effectively in both written and spoken forms 
  • Communicate with a wider group of clients
  • Express and understand multiple viewpoints
  • Understand diverse lifestyles and customs
  • Adapt in a fast-changing and interdependent world
  • Think collaboratively
  • Be flexible in thinking and learning
  • Read critically
  • Present information logically
  • Offer creative solutions
  • Understand cultural differences
  • Exhibit cultural sensitivity and flexibility


What's the connection between cultural understanding and language learning?

Language preserves the history and traditions of a people, through speakers’ common understanding of the meanings of words, expressions, and texts. Only on a foundation of such insider knowledge can cultural understanding be achieved. (Source: Language Study in the Age of Globalization)


What can I do with this Major?

More and more businesses work closely with companies in other countries.

Also, within the US, an employer will see you as a bridge to new clients or customers. Many households speak a language other than English.

Just one example: In the Chicago metro area, at least 153 languages are spoken at home. 29 percent of the metro area population age 5 and over speak a language other than English at home. Check out the US Census data for other areas. 


What areas and employers are looking for my skills?

Check out the list on EIU's Career Services for World Language majors.

Careers for Language Majors

United States Department of Labor: Interpreters and Translators

National Security Agency


Meet some graduates...

Read more on Emily Kovacik.  


I am interested in becoming a teacher.  How does the job market look for World Language teachers?

World Language teachers are in high demand. We have a 100% placement rate.

Read more on our Teacher Licensure page. 


Related Pages

Contact Information

Department of World Languages & Cultures

Coleman Hall, First Floor
Fax: 217-581-3113

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