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EIU Asian Studies Minor

Asian Studies Curriculum

The interdisciplinary Asian Studies minor is composed of a core list of courses with Asia-specific content. (a minimum of 18 hours from the list below, with up to three courses in any one single department. Up to three semester credit hours may be earned in independent study, research, internship, or study abroad towards the minor.)
  • Courses can be counted for double or triple credits in the Asian Studies minor as well as other fields of study.
  • Honors Program course equivalents are accepted.
  • Existing prerequisites for courses must be satisfied.
  • Transfer credit only accepted towards minor for up to six credit hours upon Coordinator's approval.

Click here for the Asian Studies Minor Requirements in the EIU Catalog

List of Courses

Art Courses
Economics Courses
English Courses
Language Courses
Geography Courses
History Sources
Philosophy Courses
Political Sciences Courses
Study Abroad Courses
Women's Studies Courses

Art Courses

  • ART 2012G Non-Western Fine Arts  *                                             
  • ART 3611G Art in India and Southeast Asia
  • ART 3612G Art in China and Japan
  • ART 4400 Independent Study *

Economics Courses

  • ECN 4875 Area Studies **

English Courses

  • ENG 3009G Myth and Culture *
  • ENG 3110G Cultural Foundations II (cross listed w/PHI 3110G) *
  • ENG 3907 Asian Literature
  • ENG 4850 Studies in Third World Literature *

Language Courses

  • FLC 1101 Elementary Language Course I
  • FLC 1102 Introductory Language Course II

Geography Courses

  • GEO 3055 Geography and Culture of Asia

History Courses

  • HIS 3130 Iraq and the Ancient Near East
  • HIS 3160 Ancient Iran
  • HIS 3200 Islamic History
  • HIS 3210 History of the Modern Middle East
  • HIS 3320 History of Modern China
  • HIS 3330 Modern East Asia in the Pacific Century
  • HIS 4400 Independent Study in History *
  • HIS 4775 Selected Topics in History *
  • HIS 4781 The Arab-Israeli Conflict
  • HIS 4782 Modern Iran
  • HIS 4785 Crusade & Jihad: Religious Violence in the Islamo-Christian Tradition*
  • HIS 4860 Modern South Asia
  • HIS 4870 The Two Koreas
  • HIS 4880 Modern Japan: From Samurai to Freeters
  • HIS 4980 The Vietnam War: An American and Vietnamese Ordeal

Philosophy Courses

  • PHI 2010 Eastern Philosophies
  • PHI 3110G Cultural Foundations II (cross listed w/ENG 3110G) *
  • PHI 3310 Indian Philosophy
  • PHI 3320 Chinese Philosophy
  • PHI 3680 Buddhism
  • PHI 4400 Independent Study *

Political Science Courses

  • PLS 3343 Government and Politics of the Middle East
  • PLS 3363 Government and Politics in Asia-Pacific Rim
  • PLS 3863 Special Topics in Political Science **
  • PLS 4503 Independent Study *

Study Abroad Courses

  • STA 3960 Study Abroad: Exchange *
  • STA 3961 Study Abroad: One-Way *
  • STA 3970 Study Abroad: Faculty-Led *

Women Studies Courses

  • WST 4800 Non-Western Feminisms: Gender, Culture, and Nation **

* Courses MUST be approved by the Asian Studies minor Coordinator to ensure the appropriate level of Asian content (75% of the course content).

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Contact Information

Jinhee Lee, Ph.D
Asian Studies Coordinator


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