Electrical engineering is a professional engineering discipline that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.
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At EIU, we will prepare electrical engineers to make a difference in the world through their technical abilities, knowledge and creativity.
Electrical Engineering is one specialty of Engineering. People often think that the job of an electrical engineer is to design and develop new electrical systems, but they can do so much more.
In the big picture, they study and apply the physics and mathematics of electricity, electromagnetism and electronics to a variety of systems in order to solve many real-life issues in this technological world. They are involved in design and construction of faster and smarter computer systems, optimizing the efficiency of large-scale power grids, design and construction of the power system, the electronics of electric automobiles, operation and placement of cell phone towers, and much more.
The tools of the engineer are science and mathematics, but engineering also involves creativity and art, making models, and using approximations.
"My research concentrates in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics: compact X-ray sources, neutron stars, physics of accretion, Coulomb collisions in strong magnetic field, radiation processes in strong magnetic field, radiative transfer, numerical hydrodynamics."
“I find lasers and optics fascinating. Recently I have been studying the polarization of light. In particular polarized light is expected to be transmitted by a polarizer aligned parallel to the direction of polarization. A crossed polarizer should block the light. However, what happens if the light does not impinge on the polarizer perpendicular to the surface? It may seem like this is a simple problem of geometry, but it is much more difficult than that."
Research interests include: Cyber Security, Biometrics, Data Telecommunications, Applied Statistics, System Simulation, Quality Design
Physical Sciences Building
Room 2131
Eastern Illinois University 600 Lincoln Ave
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-3220