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EIU Master of Arts in Communication Studies

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

A variety of internal funding options are available at Eastern Illinois University. Most of this funding is provided through graduate teaching assistantships. Assistantships are very competitive and admission into the program does not guarantee funding. Graduate assistants also need to enroll in 9 credit hours (full time for graduate students) during the semester in which the assistantship is awarded in order to maintain their funding. In addition to graduate teaching assistantships there are also a number of travel grants and awards for current students.

Graduate students in the Department of Communication Studies who have assistantships typically are provided the opportunity to experience the classroom in several different ways.

Many of our graduate assistants teach in our introductory communication course, CMN 1310. These are stand-alone sections where the student is the primary instructor. To prepare you for your role as a CMN 1310 instructor the department's basic course director, Ms. Nora Heist, guides you through a 30-hour orientation and introduction to teaching the course that covers topics such as classroom management, grading, academic integrity, classroom technology and a host of other relevant issues. Students are given access to a standard syllabus, a common text, and classroom exercises. Students teaching CMN 1310 continue their "classroom education" in the department's CMN 5500 course, which allows Ms.  Heist to continue meeting with graduate assistants throughout the semester.

Graduate assistants also have the opportunity to assist in the teaching other undergraduate courses such as CMN 2010 Communication Theory and CMN3100 Persuasion. The faculty members teaching these classes provide graduate students guidance and instruction in leading the class sections and other primary teaching duties.

Students not teaching in CMN 1310, CMN 2010, or CMN3100 (or other courses) will work as graduate assistants in a variety of administrative positions to include Assistant Basic Course Director, Assistant to Undergraduate and Graduate Assessment, or as research assistants to various Communication Studies faculty.

We are very pleased to offer a number of teaching and administrative opportunities to graduate students. We believe that teaching and administration will help students develop valuable skills for both professional and academic positions.

Teaching Load

Students who teach CMN 1310 will teach only two sections per semester. Students who solely TA for large classes may assist with one to three classes per semester. Our GA's work a maximum of 18 hours per week.

Other Assistantship Opportunities

Students in the Department of Communication Studies have also been very successful in finding assistantships across campus. Students have found work in campus units such as the Student Union, the Housing Office, the Athletics Department, the School of Continuing Education, the Student Recreation Center, Career Services, Health Services, the Health Education Resource Center (HERC), the Student Life Office, the Counseling Center, and the Office of International Programs.


Graduate assistantships come with a tuition waiver (there are some university fees that cannot be waived) and a monthly stipend of $1000. Assistantships are generally for the entire academic year and are paid over 9 months. 


Graduate Scholarships and Travel Awards

CMN Scholarships


Carol A. Manhart Scholarship

  1. The recipient must be a full-time student majoring in Communication Studies, accepted to Eastern Illinois University.
  2. The recipient must be an incoming freshman, sophomore, junior or senior as defined by the catalog or a returning graduate student having already completed a degree in Communication Studies.
  3. The recipient must have a strong academic record.
  4. Preference must always be given to graduates of Stewardson-Strasburg High School.
  5. Financial need is a consideration.


Ralph Y. McGinnis Scholarship

  1. The recipient must be either an undergraduate or graduate student with a major academic interest in one or more of the following: Lincoln Studies, Public Address, Rhetoric, or Forensics.
  2. In addition, community service which includes working with Leo Club, Scouts, Church, Schools, Political Organizations, or other service organizations must be a consideration.


Kenneth E. Hadwiger, Ph.D., Graduate Scholarship

  1. The recipient(s) must be the son or daughter of a faculty member in the Department of Communication Studies. The faculty member must have a Ph.D. and must have taught at Eastern Illinois University for a minimum of two years.
  2. The recipient(s) must be a full-time graduate student, in good academic standing, accepted to Eastern Illinois University.
  3. If there is no candidate who is the son or daughter of a faculty member in the Department of Communication Studies, then other candidates may be considered using the following criteria: i. The recipient(s) must be a full-time graduate student, majoring in Communication Studies, accepted to Eastern Illinois University.
  4. The recipient(s) must be in good academic standing.
  5. Financial need is not a consideration.


Betty Lou Balasi Scholarship

  1. The recipient(s) shall be a full-time student with junior or senior class standing or a graduate student, majoring in Communication Studies, accepted to Eastern Illinois University during the semester in which the award is presented.
  2. The recipient(s) must be in good standing at Eastern Illinois University. There are no other academic requirements.
  3. The recipient(s) will have demonstrated enthusiasm towards the University and the Department of Communication Studies and should be a persistent supporter of University and Departmental activities.
  4. The recipient(s) should embody many of the qualities that endeared Betty Lou Balasi to the students and faculty of the Department of Speech Communication during her 22 years as the Department secretary. These qualities include a positive outlook and zest for life, compassion, generosity of spirit, and a genuine interest in and selfless commitment to the success and happiness of students and faculty. The recipient(s) should truly be that exceptional person that stands out from his/her peers because of these qualities.
  5. The recipient(s) may be eligible to apply for and receive the award again provided he/she continues to meet the criteria stated above.


Jon J. Hopkins Memorial Speech Education Scholarship

  1. The scholarship recipient shall be a graduate or undergraduate student majoring in Communication Studies, or Public Relations.
  2. The recipient shall show outstanding scholarship abilities in overall academics as well as in their major.
  3. Candidates are to be nominated by faculty members in the Communication Studies Department, and such nominations should include a letter of support for the nominee.

Williams Travel Grant

Williams Travel Grants provide travel support for EIU graduate degree-seeking candidates who have papers or creative works accepted for presentation at regional, state, national or international conferences between July 1 and June 30 of the current fiscal year. Students in the Department of Communication Studies have been very successful in getting their work accepted at conferences and receiving Williams Travel Grants for support.

Williams Travel Grants are for reimbursement of documented travel expenses up to $300. Grants will be made based on the quality of the application. Williams Travel Grant Winners may be required to present their projects during the Annual Graduate Student Exposition each spring semester. Winners will be photographed and featured in Eastern's Graduate Journal of Scholarship.

Click here for more information on the Williams Travel Grant

Eastern Illinois Graduate School Awards

The Graduate School at Eastern Illinois University offers a number of competitive awards for graduate students across campus. For more information on these awards please click here.

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Contact Information

Angela S. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Graduate Coordinator

Buzzard 2419

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