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EIU Master of Arts in Communication Studies

A foundation for success

Graduate students who have finished their degrees at Eastern Illinois University have been very successful entering or advancing in the workforce or continuing their education in doctoral programs across the country.

Currently we have an 86 percent positive placement rate within three months of graduation for our students.

Graduates have gone on to work at any number of professional positions in various types of organizations, including large public relations or advertising agencies, smaller niche firms, a host of corporate communication positions, and professional roles in non-profit organizations.

Graduates have also has success finding work teaching at community colleges and also four-year institutions. Many of these graduates have chosen to complete their degree in the Communication Pedagogy option, but others did not and still have found success teaching.

Many of our graduates have also gone on to earn their doctorates. Over the years our graduates have gone on to a number of prestigious institutions including:

  • Bowling Green State University
  • Cal St. Fullerton
  • Colorado State University
  • Georgetown University
  • Illinois State University
  • Indiana University
  • Northwestern University
  • Ohio University
  • Pennsylvania State University
  • Purdue University
  • University of Colorado
  • University of Denver
  • University of Georgia
  • University of Illinois
  • University of Iowa
  • University of Memphis
  • University of Missouri
  • University of Nebraska – Lincoln
  • University of New Mexico
  • University of Oklahoma
  • University of South Florida
  • University of Texas at Austin
  • San Diego State University
  • Southern Illinois University
  • Western Illinois University

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Contact Information

Angela S. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Graduate Coordinator

Buzzard 2419

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