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EIU Student Government

Petition Information

The guidance for the creation and use of online petitions in entirely online election cycles.

Steps for Petitions

  1. Click here
  2. Click on "Duplicate It"
  3. Click in to the title area and replace Parentheses () items with the appropriate context
    • (First Name Last Name) - Your First Name and Your Last Name
    • (Position) - Position You are running for (Student Body President, Executive Vice President, Vice President Student Affairs, Vice President Academic Affairs, Senator)
    • (Platform) - Required for Executive Candidates to copy and paste their platform essays or a shortened version of their platform essay into this section.
    • Senatorial Candidates are encouraged to construct a small paragraph introducing themselves and what they plan to do in office.
  4. Click the one question on the form and replace Parentheses () items with the appropriate context
    • (First Name) - Your First Name
  5. Under "Collect Responses" copy that link to send out via Social Media, Email, and to share among passing.
    • Senator Candidates need at least 50 signatures 
    • Executive Candidates need at least 100 signatures
    • Signatures must come from registered EIU students

Steps for Submission

  • Once petition is finished, go back to the petition via Forms in your Panthermail and click "Share"
  • Copy the link and email completed petition to and .

Tips and Information

  • After creation of the form, it should look similar to this example here.
  • Remember that only registered students will be counted toward the 50 or 100 signature goal.
  • Signature logs for who submits the form are kept and will be validated.
    • Meaning you cannot sign your form 10 times and qualify
  • Send out to your classes through Email and to your friends through Social Media
    • Keep it interesting and make them want to sign your petition
  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact us at 

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Contact Information

Student Government

Student Activities Center / Second Floor
MLK Jr. University Union, Room 2070
Eastern Illinois University

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