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EIU Procurement Services

EIU Purchasing Card (P-Card)

P-Card Policy and Procedure

IGP108: Purchasing

  • The following requirements must be met before a P-Card will be issued:

    • The Cardholder must be a full-time Eastern employee.
    • The Purchase Card Application and Conflict of Interest Disclosure must be completed.
    • All cardholders, approving officials, and department P-Card managers must complete P-Card training.
    • The Purchasing Card Agreement must be completed.

    P-Cards must be picked up in person in the Department of Procurement Services at 1135 Old Main. Photo identification is required.

    Prior approval must be obtained in writing for the following purchases:

    • Computer equipment, peripherals, or software from Information Technology Services (ITS)
    • Off-campus printing from the Panther Print and Copy Center
    • Audio Visual equipment from ITS
    • Items containing the EIU logo from Alumni Services
    • Food, flowers, or gifts (refer to Internal Governing Policies 113 and 109).

    When using your P-Card, the vendor must be notified that Eastern Illinois University is exempt from sales tax, and the Tax-Exempt Number is printed on the P-Card.

    Note: Not all states will honor EIU’s tax exempt status. Gas purchases are not exempt, and EIU is required to pay the excise tax on gas purchase. State, Local, and Occupancy taxes charged in connection with hotel rooms are also not exempt.

    Receipts are required for all P-Card purchases and must include:

    • Vendor information (names, location, etc.);
    • Amount (itemized with description of item(s) purchased; and
    • Date of transaction

    Cardholders and Approving Officials must use JPMorgan’s PaymentNet to review and approve transactions.

    Cardholders have 14 calendar days to review their transactions, upload their documentation and assign the appropriate Organization and Account codes to each transaction.

    Approvers have 7 calendar days after initial review by cardholders to review and approve the transactions they are responsible for approving.

    Failure to meet the above deadlines may result in suspension of the Cardholder’s P-Card until the violating transactions are fully reviewed and approved.

    NOTE: These deadlines will be shortened to allow for accurate Year-End Processing.  All transactions with a Post Date of June 30 or before must be reviewed and approved immediately.

    Receipts and any prior approvals must be uploaded to PaymentNet for each transaction.

    P-Cards may only be used by the Cardholder named on the card. The sharing of P-Cards is prohibited.

    Cardholders may not approve their own transactions, and Approving Officials may not be subordinates to Cardholders.

    Cardholders may not save or let their vendor’s save their P-Card information for future use.

              Exceptions: UPS CampusShip, EIU’s Amazon Business Account

    P-Cards may not be used for On-Campus purchases (e.g., Bookstore, Panther Print & Copy Center, Food Court, etc.)

Prohibited and Restricted Purchases on P-Card

The following list of items are prohibited from purchase on P-Card. This list is not all inclusive. Contact PDCS for assistance in determining if a purchase is allowable on P-Card.

  • Alcohol
  • Biological agents
  • Capital Development Board purchases
  • Cash advances
  • Charter transportation (buses, air, limos, etc.)
  • Chemicals and gases
  • Coin-operated devices
  • Construction/renovation
  • Controlled and prescription drugs
  • Donations
  • Explosives
  • Fines, late fees, or penalties
  • Furniture with a unit price of $500 and above
  • House accounts (e.g., extension of credit by a vendor allowing the payment of goods or services over a period of time, or on a summary invoice or bill)
  • Imported goods that must go through customs
  • Items purchased from University employees, their spouses, or children; business concerns of which an employee (spouse or children) is a sole or principal owner; corporations of which an employee (spouse or children) is a major officer or primary employee
  • Live animals
  • Office telephones and cellular phones, calling cards, pagers
  • On-site repair services
  • Personal purchase of any kind
  • Processing fees
  • Purchases involving trade of University property
  • Radioactive materials
  • Vehicles (unless for rental use only)
  • Weapons and/or ammunition
  • Wireless communication equipment

The following list of items are restricted from purchase on P-Card. This list is not all inclusive. If an exception is listed, it must be documented and included in the back-up documentation uploaded into PaymentNet. Contact PDCS for assistance in determining if a purchase is allowable on P-Card.

  • Audio visual equipment must be approved by Information Technology Services (ITS);
  • Carpeting and draperies; Exceptions: Facilities Planning and Management (FPM) and Housing and Dining Services.
  • Computer equipment, peripherals, and software which have not been approved by ITS;
  • Contracts – two party signed agreements for goods and/or services, including professional and artistic services and maintenance agreements; services involving labor, indemnity, and/or insurance requirements (for example, tent rental, leases, catering, on-site repairs or those with independent contractors which may require IRS 1099/1042S forms); Exception: Contracts approved by the Department of Procurement Services;
  • Equipment for which information has not been submitted to the Business Office (Fixed Asset Records);
  • Fuels (except when purchased for a rental car being used for University business);
  • Gift certificates, gift cards, cash-equivalent prepaid cards (prior authorization from PDCS required)
  • Logo/licensing items (with the exception of items purchased for internal use) that have not been approved by Alumni Services;
  • Postage; Exceptions: Mail Services;
  • Printing which has not been approved by the Panther Print and Copy Center;
  • Travel expenses:  meals and entertainment; Exception: Athletics per the NCAA requirements;

Additional items may be added to this list at the discretion of the individual department head or the Department of Procurement Services.  Any exceptions must be submitted, in writing, by the Account Manager to a P-Card Administrator for approval prior to the purchase.

Exceptions to Prohibited and Restricted P-card Use:

  • Accounts Payable and Department of Procurement Services staff may purchase prohibited items with P-card as a method of payment and to assist the campus procurement needs.

P-Card Training

P-Card Application


PaymentNet Links


  • JP Morgan Chase - 800-270-7760
  • P-Card Administrator - Megan R. Wells, 217-581-5313

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Contact Information

Procurement, Disbursements & Contract Services

1135 Old Main
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Hours: M-F 8 am - 4:30 pm
Fax: 217-581-6015

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