Dr. Lee Patterson will be discussing his recent trip to Armenia,
with slides of ancient and medieval sites.
April 16 at 5 p.m. in Lumpkin Hall 2030
Dr. Bill Parkinson, "First Kings of Europe," 6 March 2024
"Dr. Parkinson's lecture on his exhibit First Kings of Europe provided an excellent example of how Premodern Global Studies can be applied to a broad scope of human history and how humanity has developed. In his lecture the audience was introduced to the concept of how the development of leadership roles introduced inequality and how leaders (like kings and queens) created a separation in society between those who ruled and those who became ruled. Overall, this lecture gave an incredible sight into how Premodern Global Studies can be used to learn not only about the past, but how it can be applied to the present and future." --Riley V. Bauer, Premodern Student
Coleman Hall - 3572