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EIU Minor in Premodern Global Studies



Spring 2025


ART 2012G: Asian Art, MW 9:00 am - 10:15 am (30711), Robert S Petersen

ART 3612G: Art in China and Japan, MW 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm (31226), Robert S Petersen

ENG 3802: Shakespeare, TR 9:30 am - 10:45 am (30244), Julie D Campbell

ENG 3892: Shakespeare (Honors), TR 9:30 am - 10:45 am (30796), Julie D Campbell

HIS 1500G-001: Roots of the Modern World (Religion and Society), MWF 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm (30985), Joy M Kammerling

HIS 1500G-600: Roots of the Modern World (Religion and Society), online (33834), Jinhee J Lee

HIS 1522G: World History: Slavery and Freedom, MWF 11:00 am - 11:50 am (33824), David K Smith

HIS 2560: Early Modern World History, MWF 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm (30175), David K Smith

HIS 3130: Iraq and the Ancient Near East, TR 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm (33832), Lee E Patterson

MAT 4900: History of Mathematics, TBD (31582), TBD

THA 3349: Classical Acting Styles, TBD  (33378), TBD



Master Course List

The Premodern Global Studies Minor comprises your choice of 6 courses (18 credits) chosen from at least 3 departments.



ANT 3712 - World Archaeology. Credits: 3

ANT 3900 - Hunters and Gatherers. Credits: 3

ANT 3960 - Special Topics in Anthropology. Credits: 1 to 4 (See footnote *)

ANT 44001 - Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

      or ANT 44002 or ANT 44003 or ANT 44004 or ANT 44005 or ANT 44006 (See footnote *)


ART 2012G - Asian Art. Credits: 3

ART 2601G - Art in the Pre-Modern Era. Credits: 3

ART 2691G - Art in the Pre-Modern Era, Honors. Credits: 3

ART 3610G - African Art. Credits: 3

ART 3611G - Art in India and Southeast Asia. Credits: 3

ART 3612G - Art in China and Japan. Credits: 3

ART 3630 - Greek and Roman Art. Credits: 3

ART 3641 - Early Medieval Art. Credits: 3

ART 3642 - Romanesque and Gothic Art. Credits: 3

ART 3651 - Italian Renaissance Art: Fifteenth Century. Credits: 3

ART 3652 - Italian Renaissance Art: Sixteenth Century. Credits: 3

ART 3660 - Baroque Art. Credits: 3

ART 4400 - Independent Study. Credits: 1- 3 (See footnote *)

            or ART 4401 or ART 4402 (See footnote *)


ENG 2601 - Backgrounds of Western Literature. Credits: 3

ENG 2603 - Greek and Roman Mythology. Credits: 3

ENG 2950 - Transatlantic Literary History: Culture, Literacies, and Technologies I. Credits: 3

ENG 3009G - Myth and Culture. Credits: 3

ENG 3099G - Myth and Culture, Honors. Credits: 3

ENG 3600 - The Bible as Literature. Credits: 3

ENG 3601A - Studies in Major Writers Before 1800. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

ENG 3604A - Special Topics in Literature and Language Before 1800. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

ENG 3700 - American Literature: 1450 to 1800. Credits: 3

ENG 3800 - Medieval British Literature. Credits: 3

ENG 3801 - Chaucer. Credits: 3

ENG 3802 – Shakespeare. Credits: 3

ENG 3803 - Renaissance and Seventeenth-Century British Literature. Credits: 3

ENG 3804 – Milton. Credits: 3

ENG 3805 - Restoration and Eighteenth-Century British Literature. Credits: 3

ENG 3892 - Shakespeare, Honors. Credits: 3

ENG 3903A - Women, Literature, and Language, Pre-1800. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

ENG 3907 - Asian Literatures. Credits: 3

ENG 4400 - Independent Study. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

ENG 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

ENG 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

ENG 4901 - History of the English Language. Credits: 3


GEO 3530/HIS 3530 - Medieval Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in Europe. Credits: 4

GEO 3990/HIS 3990 - Medieval Archaeology, Honors. Credits: 1 to 4


HIS 1500G - Roots of the Modern World: Society and Religion. Credits: 3

HIS 1522G - World History: Slavery and Freedom. Credits: 3

HIS 1524G - World History: The Age of Sail. Credits: 3

HIS 1590G - Roots of the Modern World: Society and Religion, Honors. Credits: 3

HIS 1594G - World History: The Age of Sail, Honors. Credits: 3

HIS 1598G - World History: Slavery and Freedom, Honors. Credits: 3

HIS 2560 - Early Modern World History. Credits: 3

HIS 3100 - History of England, 1066-1688. Credits: 3

HIS 3120 - Ancient Egypt. Credits: 3

HIS 3130 - Iraq and the Ancient Near East. Credits: 3

HIS 3140 - Ancient Greece. Credits: 3

HIS 3150 - The Roman World. Credits: 3

HIS 3160 - Ancient Iran. Credits: 3

HIS 3175 - History of Christianity. Credits: 3

HIS 3200 - Islamic History. Credits: 3

HIS 3245 - African History to 1400. Credits: 3

HIS 3255 - Colonial Latin America. Credits: 3

HIS 3380 - The Golden Age of Piracy. Credits: 3

HIS 3405 - Absolutist France and The Wider World. Credits: 3

HIS 3410 - French Revolution. Credits: 3

HIS 3500 - Climate, Environment and History Since the last Ice Age. Credits: 3

HIS 3520 - Medieval History. Credits: 3.

HIS 3530 - Medieval Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in Europe. Credits: 4

HIS 3700G - Turning Points in the History of Religion and Science. Credits: 3

HIS 3790G - Turning Points in the History of Religion and Science, Honors. Credits: 3

HIS 3990 - Medieval Archaeology, Honors. Credits: 1 to 4

HIS 4303 - Colonial America to 1763. Credits: 3

HIS 4304 - Revolutionary America to 1789. Credits: 3

HIS 44001 - Independent Study in History. Credits: 1 to 4 (See footnote *)

      or HIS 44002 (See footnote *)

HIS 44441 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

      or HIS 44442 (See footnote *)

HIS 45551 - Honors Research. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

      or HIS 45552 (See footnote *)

HIS 46441 - Honors Thesis I. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

      or HIS 46442 (See footnote *)

HIS 4775 - Selected Topics in History. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

HIS 4780 - Origins of Europe: Archaeology and History. Credits: 3

HIS 4785 - Crusade and Jihad: Religious Violence in the Islamo-Christian Tradition. Credits: 3

HIS 4800 - The Renaissance and Reformation. Credits: 3

HIS 4863 - The Trojan War: History and Archaeology. Credits: 3

HIS 4865 - Alexander the Great. Credits: 3


MAT 4900 - History of Mathematics. Credits: 3

Medieval Studies

MDVL 2000G - Introduction to Medieval Studies. Credits: 3


MUS 3584 - Music History and Literature I. Credits: 3

MUS 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

MUS 4555 - Honors Research. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

MUS 4600A - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 4

       or MUS 4600B or MUS 4600D (See footnote *)

MUS 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

MUS 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

MUS 4870 - Style Period Proseminar. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)


PHI 2000 - Ancient Philosophy. Credits: 3

PHI 2010 - Eastern Philosophies. Credits: 3

PHI 2090 - Ancient Philosophy, Honors. Credits: 3

PHI 3220 - Medieval Philosophy. Credits: 3

PHI 3310 - Indian Philosophy. Credits: 3

PHI 3320 - Chinese Philosophy. Credits: 3

PHI 3680 – Buddhism. Credits: 3

PHI 3980 - Special Topics in Philosophy. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

PHI 4400A - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 6

       or PHI 4400B or PHI 4400D (See footnote *)

PHI 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

PHI 4480 - Seminar. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

PHI 4555 - Honors Research. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

PHI 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

PHI 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

Political Science

PLS 4903 - Classic Political Theory. Credits: 3

Religious Studies

RLS 3900 - Special Topics in Religious Studies. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

Theater Arts

THA 3349 - Classical Acting Styles. Credits: 3

THA 3751G - Origins of European Theatre. Credits: 3

Women's Studies

WST 3309 - Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

WST 4000 - Special Topics. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

World Languages and Cultures

WLF 3305 - French Literature I. Credits: 3

WLF 4100 - Topics in Francophone Cultures. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

            or WLF 4100A or WLF 4100B (See footnote *)

WLF 4200 - Topics in Francophone Literatures. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

            or WLF 4200A or WLF 4200B (See footnote *)

WLF 44001 - Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

            or WLF 44002 or WLF 44003 (See footnote *)

WLF 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

WLF 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

WLF 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

WLG 3310 - Survey of German Literature I. Credits: 3

WLG 44001 - Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

            or WLG 44002 or FGF 44003 (See footnote *)

WLG 4405A - Topics of German Literature. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

            or WLG 4405B (See footnote *)

WLG 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

WLG 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

WLG 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

WLS 44001 - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

            or WLS 44002 or WLS 44003 (See footnote *)

WLS 4444: Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

WLS 4510 - Survey of Early Spanish Literature. Credits: 3

WLS 4640 - Don Quixote de la Mancha. Credits: 4

WLS 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

WLS 4645 - Topics in Hispanic Culture. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)

            or WLS 4645A or WLS 4645B (See footnote *)

WLS 4650 - Topics in Hispanic Literature. Credits: 1 to 3 (See footnote *)

            or WLS 4650A or WLS 4650B (See footnote *)

WLS 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3 (See footnote *)


*Course must be approved by the Committee for Premodern Global Studies for that semester


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Contact Information

Premodern Global Studies Chair
Julie Campbell

Coleman Hall - 3572

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