Steps to Successful Orientation and Registration
Congratulations on your admission to EIU’s online psychology degree completion program! This page is designed to help you with the next steps for a smooth transition into the program. The diagram below shows your progress in the steps required to register for classes.

Crucial Next Steps!!
- Complete a 1-minute survey about how you found out about our online program.
- Review each of the links under the “Current Students” tab of this website.
- Review the resources on advising, including the Undergraduate Online Psychology Major Advising handbook.
- Check your EIU email; we will use this email for all official communications. You can forward your EIU email to any other email system you prefer; see instructions for forwarding.
- Check MyEIU for updates on your transfer coursework and financial aid, if relevant.
- Complete Part I of the sexual assault training in PAWS. It will be available shortly before your first term of enrollment. When it is available, you will find it under the "MyHealth" tab. Then, click on the "Haven/Understanding Sexual Assault" link. It will take between 40-60 minutes.
- After your transfer coursework is evaluated (you will be notified in an email from MyEIU), determine if you have met both of the following psychology major prerequisites
- Have taken and passed a college-level Introduction to Psychology course with a C or better. It will have transferred to EIU as PSY 1879G. AND,
- Have taken College Algebra (transferred to EIU as MAT 1271 or a higher MAT level course, such as MAT 2250G--Elementary Statistics) and passed with a C or better OR have an ACT math score of at least 26 or an SAT math score of 610 or higher.
- AND have completed 42 or more college credit hours.
- Completion of these prerequisites should be evident in your degree audit report.
- Sign up for an academic advising appointment as soon as possible.
- In preparation for your online courses, you should also:
- Become familiar with Brightspace D2L (EIU's learning management system).
- View the D2L Student Orientation course. This will give you an overview of all the major features of the learning management system used for delivery of online courses.
- You will be added to an "Online Psychology Major" course in D2L. This is where updates and information will be provided to all online psychology majors.
- Download the Microsoft 365 Office Suite, which is free for all EIU students.
Once again, congratulations on your acceptance to EIU. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Psychology Department Office at (217) 581-2127 or email the Office Manager, Leslie Ashley-McLean (