Options in Transferring
Transfer Agreements
The Organizational Development bachelors degree provides opportunities for students transferring from community college or other college programs. If your goals include completing a bachelor's degree and building on your prior learning, the program is structured to meet your needs. We have articulation agreements with the following community colleges:
- Parland College
- Illinois Eastern Community Colleges
- Lakeland College
For a complete list of the transfer agreement programns please visit the EIU transfer agreement website here.
Course and Credit Review
If you have college credit from an institution that we do not currently have an articulation agreement with, contact us, we can review your college credit and discuss what will transfer to our degree program.
If you would like to review your community college transcript and how the credits will transfer, please go to iTransfer.org. The amount of actual transfer credits granted is ultimately the decision of the Eastern Illinois University Registrar's Office.