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Organizational Development

Choosing one of our Minors

Eastern Illinois University offers a variety of majors and minors, the role of undergraduate majors in the curriculum is to ensure that all graduates have experienced the challenges and rewards of studying an academic discipline or interdisciplinary subject in considerable depth.

Minors demonstrate skill development in a focused area of concentration.  Whether you are an Organizational Development major, or are pursuing another EIU major, you have the opportunity to pursue a minor with the Department of Organizational Development.

Organizational Leadership Minor

(18 hours)

The minor in Organizational Leadership provides students with opportunities to develop skills in order to be an effective leader within any organization.

Core Courses (18 hours):

Talent Development Minor

(minimum of 18 hours)

The minor in Talent Development provides students with opportunities to learn skills needed to develop talent within any organization.

Core Courses (18 hours):

Click here to view the current course rotation.

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Contact Information

Luke Steinke
Organizational Development
Program Coordinator

School of Technology
Lumpkin College of Business and Technology
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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