Whether you are a new or returning student, we are so happy to have you joining us and hope you find your college experience as a musician at EIU second to none.
This page serves to help you get organized for your arrival on campus and know what will be expected of you in the first few weeks of classes. When you arrive on campus on Move-In Day (or earlier, if you join the Panther Marching Band), it's a great time to familiarize yourself with the Doudna Fine Arts Center and find where your classes, lessons and rehearsals will be held.
Monday, August 25, 2025 at 2:00 pm - We will have a department meeting in the Doudna Recital Hall, followed by an Ice Cream Social in the Doudna Concourse.
All students registered for MUS 1501 or MUS 0541 will take a diagnostic exam on the first day of classes. Results of this test will determine placement in either Music Theory Rudiments (MUS 0541) or Comprehensive Musicianship I (MUS 1501).
Click below to access the audio files for the Sample Aural Skills/Dictation Practice Placement Exam.
I-1 Interval | I-2 Interval | I-3 Interval |
II-1 Triad | II-2 Triad | II-3 Triad |
III-A Rhythm | III-B Rhythm | |
IV-A Melody | IV-B Melody |
All incoming transfer students with college-level music theory/aural skills/music history experience will complete a placement exam before the beginning of the academic year. For incoming transfer students, this website describes the content covered in the various levels of the Comprehensive Musicianship (music theory) sequence.
Sample Transfer Exams:
I.A. Melodic Dictation | II.B. Melodic Dictation | III.A Melodic Dictation | IV.A. Melodic Dictation |
I.B. Harmonic Dictation | II.B Harmonic Dictation | III.B. Harmonic Dictation | IV.B. Harmonic Dictation |
Piano Placement Auditions will be held on Tuesday, September 2, 2025 and Thursday, September 4, 2025 from 3:00-5:00 pm for students who wish to have their piano requirements waived. Interested students should sign up outside of DFAC 2351 for a 10-minute audition.
There will be an informational meeting about the jazz program on Monday, August 25, 2025 at 6:30 pm, in DFAC 1360. You are encouraged to attend to review the audition materials and ask any questions you might have. You may sign up for an audition at the meeting, or sign up on line.
To audition for a jazz group, students should do the following:
If you are interested in playing in a jazz ensemble, but cannot attend this meeting, please contact Prof. Paul Johnston.
Jazz Ensemble |
Jazz Lab Band |
Jazz Combos |
Questions should be directed to Prof. Paul Johnston.
The Wind Symphony and Eastern Symphony Orchestra require all woodwind, brass, and percussionists to audition for acceptance. Additionally, all woodwind, brass, and percussion music majors should audition for these groups.
Wind Symphony and Symphony Orchestra ensemble audition excerpts and instructions for woodwinds, brass, and percussion are available online here.
Ensemble placement auditions for Wind Symphony and Symphony Orchestra for the upcoming academic year will take place during the first 3 days of classes in the fall, August 25-27, 2025. Online audition sign-up days and times will be posted here online by Monday, August 18, 2025.
Once you’ve downloaded the excerpts, please practice them along with any scales that may be listed in your audition packet. Any non-music majors who would like to audition for the Wind Symphony or Symphony Orchestra should also use the Audition Excerpt Page linked above to locate the audition material for this fall.
If you are a non-music major with prior playing experience and you would like to sign up for the Concert Band, please let your advisor know that you would like to sign up for, Concert Band–MUS 0201R. Click here for details about this ensemble.
The Concert Band’s first rehearsal will take place on Thursday, August 26, 2025 from 3:30-4:45 pm in Doudna 1550. If you signed up to “Play for a Day” please plan to attend this rehearsal!
Questions? Please email Dr. Alicia Neal.
If you are a non-music major with prior playing experience and you would like to sign up for the Symphonic Band, please let your advisor know that you would like to sign up for, Symphonic Band–MUS 0203R. Click here for details about this ensemble:
The first Symphonic Band meeting, with no instruments, will be for EIU students only (no community members yet) and will take place on Monday, August 19, 2025, at 7:00 pm in Doudna 1550. Or, if you’d like to attend the first meeting to learn a bit more about the group before you register, just show up to the meeting!
Community members, please plan to attend the first playing rehearsal of the semester on Monday, August 26, 2025 from 7:00-8:40 pm in Doudna 1550.
Questions? Please e-mail Prof. David Boggs.
*Still have a question? Visit the FAQ page to learn more.
**Additional information about all of the different EIU Bands can be found here.
Auditions to play in the Eastern Symphony Orchestra (ESO) are open to all undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, faculty and staff.
Wind, Brass, and Percussion sections are comprised primarily of music majors, however they may in special cases be open to others who qualify by audition. Excerpts and audition instructions are the same as for Wind Symphony and Concert Band, to be found on this website.
The string sections in the ESO are comprised of music majors, non-music majors, and community members. Returning string players need not audition. First-time string players wishing to join the ESO must submit an audition. Auditions are by video submission, to include the following. String video auditions must be submitted by Wednesday, August 27, 2025.
Click HERE for a link to the MachForm you should use to submit your video audition.
Due to the in-person audition process for Winds, Brass, and Percussion, there will be no orchestra rehearsals during the first week of classes for fall 2025.
All students enrolled in Orchestra must attend the following:
ALL SINGERS (music majors, minors and non-majors) will meet on Monday, August 25, 2025, at 1:00pm in Doudna 1240 (Recital Hall). This meeting will be an opportunity to answer any questions you may have, including what to expect during your vocal placement. During the first week of class every vocal student will complete a vocal placement.
Questions? Please email Dr. Howard Eckdahl for more information.
Questions? Please email Dr. Howard Eckdahl for more information.
Music minors and non-majors who are interested in voice lessons need to audition on Monday or Tuesday, Aug. 25 & 26, 2025 from 2:00-4:00pm in DFAC 2427. Students should prepare one song and bring music. For further information and to set up an audition time, please contact Dr. Julie Park.
The Department of Music has a limited number of wind and brass instruments available for rental to students interested in participating in music ensembles. The non-refundable fee for rental of the instrument will be as follows:
This fee supports the annual cleaning, maintenance, and upkeep of instrument. Please contact Prof. David Boggs for additional information.
Doudna Fine Arts Center
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920