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EIU Department of Music

Bachelor of Music Teacher Licensure Option

Boats on Lake Charleston

With a long history of both teacher education and a vibrant music program, EIU has earned recognition for preparing outstanding music teachers.  Students gain immediate experience through observing and teaching in music classrooms during each semester of enrollment and all concentrations lead to the same licensure, with broad-based preparation in all areas of music education. However, each of the following concentrations has unique professional development experiences, designed to help the prospective teacher achieve his/her professional and musical goals.

Music Education Program Highlights

Customizable — EIU offers three concentrations for music education students to choose from: Instrumental Music, Vocal/Choral Music, and General Music. You can choose the concentration that best meets your interests and teaching goals.

Broad — When you graduate you will be prepared to teach music at all levels, from elementary to high school. You will be able to choose appropriate methods and music, plan course content and activities, and inspire the next generation of music students.

Licensure — Upon completion of the program you will have the skills and requirements needed for state licensure and employment as a music teacher.

Core Courses:

All music teacher licensure students complete a core set of courses that include music theory, ear training, and music history.In addition, all students take weekly hour-long lessons on their primary instrument and voice and participate in a large ensemble each semester.  

To view a suggested course sequence for any of the Teacher Licensure Concentrations, please see the Current Student Website ( ). Course Sequences for all degree programs are listed under the “Advising/Registration/Course Sequences."

Vocal Concentration

Vocal Concentration Courses

  • Intro to Music Education
  • Elementary & General Music
  • Intro. to Music Technology
  • Piano Class I/II/III/IV
  • Vocal Diction I/II
  • Intro to Inst. Music
  • Secondary General Music
  • Vocal/Gen. Methods
  • Conducting I
  • Choral Conducting
  • Choral Arranging
  • Junior Recital
  • Senior Recital

General Music

General Music Courses

  • Intro to Music Education
  • Elementary & General Music
  • Intro. to Music Technology
  • Piano Class I/II/III/IV
  • World Percussion
  • Intro to Inst. Music
  • Secondary General Music
  • Vocal/Gen. Methods
  • Vocal Diction I/II or Applied Voice
  • Conducting I
  • Choral Conducting  OR
    Instrumental Conducting 
  • Choral   OR
    Band Arranging
  • Junior Recital
  • Senior Recital

Instrumental Concentration

Instrumental Concentration Courses

  • Intro to Music Education
  • Elementary & General Music
  • Intro. to Music Technology
  • Piano Class I/II
  • Inst. Methods Lab
  • Brass Class
  • Strings Class
  • Percussion Class
  • Choral Methods
  • Conducting I
  • Instrumental Conducting
  • Instrumental Methods
  • Jazz & Marching Band Methods
  • Band Arranging
  • Junior Recital
  • Senior Recital

Don't take our word for it

"The supportive environment here at EIU gives me continuous inspiration to grow and learn with every opportunity. From attending concerts and performing in recitals, to brainstorming plans for general music lessons, my experience as a Music Education major is definitely the result of one of the best decisions I have made—to attend EIU."

Rebecca Rose Cloud, 17 – Teacher Licensure, Instrumental Concentration

"As a future teacher, I chose EIU for the outstanding teaching staff. Learning starts with a good educator, and I found pretty quickly that every teacher is dedicated and passionate about all of the students. In my lessons, in my classes, and in practice I am overwhelmed with encouragement from my teachers and peers. My Doudna family is supportive every step of the way, and in a learning community that cares somuch, we grow together. I love EIU music for our shared love of practicing, performing, composing, and learning. I have freedom to pursue what I want to sing and to experiment with my musical taste. I am in good hands, and I love the Eastern life and learning style."

Sheridan Kelly – Teacher Licensure, Vocal Music Concentration ‘19

"Whether it be the faculty, facilities, students, or just the learning experience as a whole, excellence is the standard at Eastern Illinois University."

Willie Morris, ’18 – Teacher Licensure, Instrumental Concentration and Jazz Studies

"I am extremely fortunate and forever grateful to have had the opportunity to work with, and learn from, the great music educators here at Eastern. Their dedication to our success is echoed throughout the department--be it in a performance or in a classroom. The faculty, staff, and students all help to create an atmosphere that makes EIU a top-notch learning environment.”

Christina Farley – Teacher Licensure, Instrumental Concentration ‘17)

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Contact Information

Music Department

Doudna Fine Arts Center
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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