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EIU Department of Payroll

Civil Service BiWeekly Time Card


The civil service biweekly (CSB) time card is designed for a biweekly pay period beginning at 12:01 a.m. Monday and ending at noon Sunday, two weeks following. The time card covers 10 work days in each pay period. There will be one printed time card per employee, per account charged.

Total time on each day is to be recorded to the nearest quarter of an hour. Benefits are reported in quarter hour increments for sick and accrued leave and half-day (3.75 or 4.0, whichever is applicable) for bereavement leave. Employees are responsible for accurate recording of their work time and benefits used.


General Instructions

  • Be careful to record the correct hours on the proper card, if the employee is charged to multiple accounts (there will be one time card for each account to be charged).
  • Enter comments on time cards of any unusual situation. This could save a phone call.
  • Remember to adjust your copies of time cards if the Payroll Office has contacted you and a change has been agreed upon.


Hours Worked

Only time worked should be reported on the REGULAR HOURS line.

All overtimehours worked should be reported on the applicable 1.5X or 2.0X OVERTIME or COMPENSATORY TIME EARNED lines.

COMPENSATORY (COMP TIME) HOURS are not paid at the time they are worked.  Comp Time hours worked are recorded as the actual number of hours worked.  These hours will be calculated by the applicable overtime rate during the payroll process then added to your Comp Time balance.  Comp time is assigned overtime worked over the established work day hours (normally 7 1/2 hours) or work week hours (normally 37 1/2 hours) for which the employee is granted future time off in lieu of payment.

Per the university’s overtime policy, the maximum compensatory hours that may be accumulated cannot exceed the equivalent of the full-time biweekly work schedule (normally 75 hours or as contract allows).

COMPENSATORY TIME USED is paid at the straight time rate. 


Benefits Used

You may call the Office of Benefits Services (217-581-5825) for current benefit balances if you don't have access to PAWS.

It is the employee’s responsibility to accurately reflect benefits that are payable. You must have your supervisor’s preapproval to use accrued leave or leave without pay. According to the BOT Policy Handbook, sick leave can only be used for personal or family illness and doctor or dental appointments.

ACCRUED LEAVE HOURS USED are to be recorded in quarter-hour increments. Hours used that exceed the balance available will spin down to Comp Time then Dock Time.

SICK LEAVE HOURS USED are to be recorded in quarter-hour increments. If the time is taken for family illness record the time as Family Sick Leave. Hours used that exceed the balance available will spin down to Vacation then Comp Time then Dock Time.


Other Hours

OTHER HOURS worked should be recorded under the appropriate earn code such as bereavement, Court Required Service, Military leave, Union Meeting or Holiday, etc. Remember, bereavement leave must be used in a minimum of half a day. (3.75 for a 7.5-hour day or 4 for an eight-hour day.)


Dock Time/Leave Without Pay

Record voluntary Dock Time (not the hours that spin down to Dock Time) a paper time sheet and submit it to the Payroll Office by the due date.  The paper timesheet should be signed by employee, supervisor (optional) and Financial Manager or a designee for the charge org. 


Temporary Upgrades

IDENTIFY THE CLASS CODE BY NUMBER (job classification) of the position upgraded to; record the hours worked each day in the new classification. Hours worked as overtime must be extended by the appropriate multiplier. Seven and a half hours at the 1.5 rate (7.5 x 1.5 = 11.25) times would be recorded as 11.25 with the appropriate class.

Upgrades are paid as they are worked. Upgrade for hours of overtime banked as comp. time must be paid when worked. Record the total as Code 080. (When upgrading for an extended period of time there must be a break every 30 CALENDAR days. The non-upgrade day must be a weekday.)




Supervisors are responsible for verifying the totals and the accuracy of all recorded hours. They are responsible for verifying the total number of all hours recorded. This total should equal the standard hours of 75 or 80 for a pay period. If the total exceeds the number of standard hours, recheck the entries. If the overage is the result of a holiday paid on a normal day off the hours are recorded on the appropriate Holiday on Day Off line.  If the hours worked are over the 75 or 80 hours they must be moved to the appropriate overtime line.

The employee should submit their time by the deadline required by the department.  All approvals should be completed by the posted deadline for the pay period.  One of the approvers should be FOAPAL Financial Manager or a assigned designee of the org being charged. Work department supervisors approvals are suggested but not required.  



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Old Main Room 2011
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Phone: 217-581-5510
Fax: Fax: 217-581-3614

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