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EIU Humanities Center

Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses

Our Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses (HIC) create exciting learning environments that provide students with the intellectual tools necessary for integrating the knowledge they learn in one discipline or department with the insights of another.

Currently, we offer two courses, an introductory course and a senior seminar, both of which are team-taught. For each course, two faculty members work closely together to create and deliver innovative, interdisciplinary approaches to topics of current significance and interest.

HIC 2000G - Introduction to the Humanities: Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving

HIC 2000G introduces students to the practice and value of interdisciplinarity in the humanities. Interdisciplinary inquiry is a creative striving toward new or alternative ways of seeing, understanding, and exploring the world of human culture. In this course, students will engage in such inquiry by examining a recent problem or controversial issue in the news in order to explore aspects of contemporary culture.

The introductory course is open to all majors. Undergraduate courses with the HIC prefix will serve to fulfill requirements for the humanities portion of the General Education curriculum.

EIU 4114G - Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies in Matters of Culture (Senior Seminar)

EIU 4114G asks students to employ the knowledge and approaches of their own disciplines through and interdisciplinary investigation of a single theme. The course provides students with background literature, humanities methods, and theories relative to the theme. Course work culminates in a student-designed public integrative learning project.

The senior seminar is open to all majors with one exception: students in the same department/major as the instructors teaching the course will not be allowed to enroll.

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Contact Information

Director: C.C. Wharram

Doudna Fine Arts Center 1343
(217) 581-3968

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