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EIU Health Education Resource Center

AlcoholEdu FAQs


All new incoming students will have required health courses to complete through the Vector Solutions Platform. These courses will become available once the semester you are enrolled in begins, and you will have around 30 days to complete the required courses. You will receive an invitation to the platform to complete the classes directly to your Panthermail. All communication regarding these courses will be sent to your Panthermail.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Health Education Resource Center at 217-581-7786 or by emailing

General Background Information

What is AlcoholEdu for College?

AlcoholEdu for College is an interactive, online program designed to inform students about how alcohol affects the body, mind, perceptions, and behaviors. The research-based course provides students with accurate information in a non-judgmental tone and provides personalized feedback that encourages students to consider their own drinking decisions and those of their peers.

What does AlcoholEdu cover?

The course is composed of surveys, knowledge tests, and alcohol-related information. In Part I students complete Chapters 1-3, two surveys, and two knowledge tests. 45 days after completion of Part I, students will complete Part II which consists of the final chapter and survey.

What can students expect?

Part I of the online program takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete and can be taken in segments. Part II will take students approximately 20-30 minutes. Students will have access to the program 24 hours a day and can complete the course at their own pace before scheduled deadlines. Students must complete the course from start to finish (Phase 1 and Phase 2) to ensure an effective curricular – and prevention – experience. 

Topics covered include:

  • how media, family, & social expectations shape ideas & behaviors
  • body/health factors including blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
  • potential risks associated with problem drinking such as violence and drinking & driving
  • impact of alcohol on academic performance and relationships
  • how to make healthy choices, deal with peer pressure,
  • helpful resources, such as a BAC calculator & reference guides about alcohol & other drugs, that students can access at any time

How does the course address diverse student needs?

Customized by sex, drinking pattern, level of awareness, and student choices on the pre-test survey, AlcoholEdu content is relevant to each student through customized pathways determined by logarithms. For example, the course pathway is different for students whose initial responses categorize them as abstainers, high risk, or moderate drinkers.

Why is EIU requiring all new students to complete AlcoholEdu?

Alcohol is a key health issue on all college campuses. Part of creating a healthy community is providing campus-wide approaches to health and using tools such as AlcoholEdu for College. Eastern Illinois University takes its responsibility to ensure student health and safety seriously – we want to work together with students to create the healthiest campus possible. Eastern Illinois University is committed to providing an academic environment where everyone can live, study, work and have fun safely.

Why AlcoholEdu and not some other prevention activity?

AlcoholEdu is an online science-based alcohol prevention program that provides a tailored educational experience focusing on the impact of alcohol on the mind and body. Research supports AlcoholEdu as an effective tool in creating a healthy campus environment for all students. Students who have completed AlcoholEdu at other campuses are much less likely to develop alcohol problems or experience negative consequences (vomiting, hangover, missing class, injuries) as a result of drinking.

Used at over 600 colleges and universities across the country, data gathered from AlcoholEdu surveys indicates a significant improvement in alcohol-related behaviors. According to the “college effect,” student drinking patterns change upon arrival at college. Providing students with access to an informative and developmentally appropriate alcohol education program at this critical time represents just one piece of a comprehensive institutional initiative to address issues related to alcohol on campus. This program will enable the University to gather valuable data about our students that will be shared with campus stakeholders at the start of the spring semester.


Who is required to complete?

All undergraduates attending Eastern Illinois University for their first time must complete AlcoholEdu.   For the Spring implementation, this will include any new student entering for the first time during a spring semester. For the Fall implementation, any new summer student who will remain at Eastern in Fall, and any new Fall student must complete Alcoholedu and Haven. Success of the program is based upon population-level prevention, a concept that recognizes that students’ choices likely impact those of their peers. Providing new students with a consistent message about alcohol can encourage thoughtful conversations, inspire a shift in alcohol-related behaviors, and highlight a campus culture that values healthy choices.

Part I must be completed before coming to campus and part II will be completed 45 days completion of Part I. Others interested in taking the course can contact the Health Education Resource Center at 217-581-7786 or to inquire about a log-in ID.

What do students need to do to complete AlcoholEdu?

Students will need to complete the first portion of the course (Chapters 1-3 as well as two surveys and two knowledge tests) before the Part 1 deadline. This will take approximately 2 - 3 hours and we recommend that students complete it in multiple sittings. Approximately 45 days later, students will receive an automatically generated email, asking them to complete the course. Upon receipt of this e-mail, students will need to log in again to complete Chapter 4 and the final survey.

What is considered passing?

A score of 75% or higher is required to pass Part I. Should students not pass, they will be required to complete a re-take course. Completing AlcoholEdu requires passing the knowledge exam and finishing the final chapter/survey. Only when students have completed Chapter 4 and the final survey, will the program be considered complete.

What happens if AlcoholEdu is not completed?

For students who do not complete the training by the due date, a hold will be placed on their student account.  These holds will prevent students from registering for upcoming semester classes. 

What happens if I do not complete Part I of AlcoholEdu by the deadline?

An administrative hold will be placed on a students records, barring them from adding classes for the semester following the one in which they entered.  Those completing Part I of AlcoholEdu after the deadline will have the initial hold removed. If Part II is not completed within 60 days (45 day wait period between Part I and Part II + 15 days) following completion of Part I, an additional hold will be placed until this section is completed.

Marketing and Communications Regarding AlcoholEdu

How will students find out about AlcoholEdu?

Students and parents attending Transfer Orientation and Panther Debut Orientation Days are informed of the participation mandate through presentations, as well as written information included in orientation materials. Students entering the institution, will be sent an e-mail to their EIU E-Mail account on approximately the first day of their first semester with directions on how to log-in to the AlcoholEdu program. 

Accessing AlcoholEdu

Can students complete the program during the summer Panther Debut/Orientation?

No.  All Panther Debut programs held during the months of June and July will have concluded before the AlcoholEdu program goes on-line. 

Will those without computer access at home still be required to complete AlcoholEdu?

Yes. To take the course, one will need computer with Internet access and audio capabilities. If one does not have access to a computer, one can use any publicly available computer with Internet access and audio capabilities. Public computers are often available in your local public library, copy center, or community center.

Where on campus can one use a computer to complete AlcoholEdu?

If students are living on campus and have their own computers that meet the technical needs required by AlcoholEdu, they should be able to complete the Parts I and II of the program within their residence hall room.

Students without computers who are unable to completing Part I prior to arriving at campus, can complete Parts I and II in several of the computer labs available on campus.

During move-in week, when will campus labs be available?

The Booth Library computer lab, located on the 4000 level of the Library will have available hours as well as the Gregg Triad computer lab.  Please check the Library and Gregg Triad schedule for hours of availability.

I have a disability and need an accommodation. Who should I contact?

If you have documented learning needs that require an accommodation please contact the Health Education Resource Center at 217-581-7786 or

Who should I contact at Eastern Illinois University regarding general questions about the course?

You may contact Matthew Warner at 217-581-7786 or

What happens to students who do not pass?

Students who do not pass will be notified by AlcoholEdu that they did not pass and will be directed to retake the course. The course may be retaken as many times as necessary for the student to pass. 

Additional Questions

I don’t drink. Do I still need to complete AlcoholEdu?

All entering EIU students need to complete the course. Even if one does not drink, they may still be impacted by alcohol use in the college environment. AlcoholEdu provides personalized paths through the curriculum so if one doesn’t drink, they will receive support and specific information tailored to their choice. AlcoholEdu will also provide students with important information regarding coping with potential drinking behavior of their peers.

My religious beliefs forbid alcohol use. Why do I have to do this?

All entering students need to complete AlcoholEdu. Alcohol use in the college environment has the potential to affect everyone. Even if one doesn’t drink they may be impacted by the potential drinking behavior of their peers. AlcoholEdu provides personalized paths through the curriculum so if one doesn’t drink, they will receive support and specific information tailored to their choice.

Who will see survey answers? How is the data kept? Will parents be told what I report?

AlcoholEdu includes three surveys that offer students feedback on their alcohol-related attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are strictly confidential; Eastern Illinois University will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will NEVER see any individual student's answers. Because Eastern requires students to pass the knowledge exam with a score of 75% or higher the AlcoholEdu administrators at the school will receive exam scores; this is the only information ever matched with a student’s identity. Parents will not have access to any information unless the student is under the age of 18, the student chooses to share such information with them, or they sign an information release that allows the university to share such information with them.

Course Problems/Technical Difficulties

What do I do if I have trouble with the site?

Should you experience any difficulties or require support for any Vector courses either of the links below should help you. The links provided will give you guidance on typical Vector course issues and if an issue persists, the additional link will guide you to Vector's chat feature.


Chat Feature

I am not sure if my computer meets the technical requirements to support the course.

If one does not have ready access to a computer that meets the minimum system technical requirements, they may try using a computer at a local library, copy center, or community center. 

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Contact Information

Health Education Resource Center

2201 Blair Hall
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

Academic Year Hours

8am – 4:30 pm

Summer Hours

8am – 4:30 Monday – Thursday, 8am – 12pm Friday

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