To become a film studies faculty member, faculty may apply to the Film Studies Minor Advisory Committee according to the following procedure:
- Submit a letter of intent to teach film studies minor courses
- Submit a curriculum vita
- Submit a sample film studies course syllabus/proposal
- Applications to the committee may be made at any time during the Academic Year.
B. Criteria for admission as a film studies minor faculty member:
The Film Studies Minor Advisory Committee will approve membership based on perusal of curriculum vita and syllabus/course proposal, if the materials reflect some of the following criteria:
Curriculum Vita:
- A record of course work in film studies
- A record of research and/or publication in film studies
- Experience in the business of film
Course syllabus/proposal:
- Strong concentration in film
- Investment in film as a medium The course should use film not only as a way to teach the discipline, but also as the aesthetic medium itself.
Criteria for Film Courses Added to the Film Studies Minor:
- These courses should have a main component that examines film from an aesthetic or a historical, critical or theoretical basis.
- Whatever discipline these courses are coming from should connect the film component with the specific area or focus that the discipline of the course wants to explore.
- Courses should avoid using film merely as a teaching device for the discipline.
- The courses should spend a significant amount of time exploring films, filmmaking, or the role of film in cultural production.
- The courses should spend a significant amount of time showing students how the discipline looks at film.
- The courses should examine the issues of film in relation to the discipline in which the course is placed, as a way to see how the discipline connects to the area of film studies.
- The courses should be taught by approved film studies faculty.