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EIU Film Studies Minor


Film Studies Minor Courses


Film Studies Minor Courses, Summer/Fall 2025


Summer 2025

Required Courses:


Film 2759G, History of Cinema - Walus

The course offers a comprehensive yet selective overview of the history of cinema, integrating the basic tools for analyzing film as art. It will examine how the uses of camera, editing, lighting, sound, and acting contribute to the construction of meaning for audiences, as well as consider how meaning is filtered through various cultural contexts. WI Credits: 3. Online.        May 19 - Jun 14, 2025

ENG 4904, Studies in Film – Martinez

In-depth study of major periods, genres, history, criticism and/or theory of film. Topics to be announced. WI Credits: 3. Online. June 2-July 26, 2025


Fall 2025

Required Courses:

FILM 2759G.600, History of Cinema - Martinez

The course offers a comprehensive yet selective overview of the history of cinema, integrating the basic tools for analyzing film as art. It will examine how the uses of camera, editing, lighting, sound, and acting contribute to the construction of meaning for audiences, as well as consider how meaning is filtered through various cultural contexts. WI Credits: 3. Online.

FILM 2759G.601, History of Cinema - Walus

The course offers a comprehensive yet selective overview of the history of cinema, integrating the basic tools for analyzing film as art. It will examine how the uses of camera, editing, lighting, sound, and acting contribute to the construction of meaning for audiences, as well as consider how meaning is filtered through various cultural contexts. WI Credits: 3. Online.

CMN 3530, Film Communication - Britton 

Film as the expression of the performers, producers, directors, writers, and technicians. Critical discussion of film theory, history, and criticism. WI Credits: 4. TR 2:00-3:15 


Elective Courses:

CMN 2500.001, Television and Video Production I – Mattson

This production-centered course teaches the foundational elements of visual storytelling through video, television, and film. These foundational elements include narrative construction, visual composition, genre aesthetics, visual brand development, characterization, and non-linear editing in order to communicate a unified message through video, audio, and graphics. Credits: 3. TR 8:00-9:40am, Buzzard Hall 2434.

CMN 2500.002, Television and Video Production I – Grube

This production-centered course teaches the foundational elements of visual storytelling through video, television, and film. These foundational elements include narrative construction, visual composition, genre aesthetics, visual brand development, characterization, and non-linear editing in order to communicate a unified message through video, audio, and graphics. Credits: 3. MW 8:00-9:40am, Buzzard Hall 2434.

CMN 2500.003, Television and Video Production I – Britton

This production-centered course teaches the foundational elements of visual storytelling through video, television, and film. These foundational elements include narrative construction, visual composition, genre aesthetics, visual brand development, characterization, and non-linear editing in order to communicate a unified message through video, audio, and graphics. Credits: 3. MW 3:00-4:40pm, Buzzard Hall 2434.

CMN 3050, Television and Video Production II – Mattson

This intermediate course extends upon the skills and concepts of television, video, and film production as introduced in Production I. Students refine their visual storytelling abilities through a series of creative, persuasive, and reality-based production projects with a special emphasis on visual composition, directing, audio, characterization, and refinement in post-production. Credits: 3. MW 8:00-9:40am, Buzzard Hall 2436.

CMN 3530, Film Communication – Britton

Film as the expression of the performers, producers, directors, writers, and technicians. Critical discussion of film theory, history, and criticism. WI. Credits: 3. TR 9:30-10:45am, Buzzard Hall 2441.

CMN 3540, Production III - Britton

Students learn to communicate visually with advanced camera, lighting, and editing techniques. Students will study and create a variety of digital media projects for film, TV, and the web. Prerequisites: CMN 3050. Credits: 3. TR, 3:30-5:10pm. TR 3:00-4:40pm, Buzzard Hall 2436.

EIU 4170G, History on Film – Smith

ONLINE. Credits: 3

ENG 2000, Introduction to Creative Writing – McClelland

This course will introduce students to reading for craft and writing creatively across poetry, fiction, nonfiction and dramatic genres.  Students will participate in workshops of their creative work and read writing in each genre. WC Credits: 3. MWF, 1:00-1:50pm, Coleman Hall 3159

ENG 2504G, Film and Literature – Martinez

An introduction to practical and theoretical relations between film and literature. WI. Credits: 3. TR, 2:00-4:00pm, Coleman Hall 3691

ENG 4764, Advanced Dramatic Writing – Wixson

Advanced practice and instruction in dramatic writing. Though the course will review basic elements common to all dramatic writing, it will allow students to concentrate on the media of their choice: radio, theatre, TV, or film. WC. Credits: 3. ONLINE








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