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EIU Ethics Office


Beginning Jan. 1, 2011, the Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILCS 500/50-39) requires that any employee who receives any written or oral communication that imparts or requests material information, or makes a material argument regarding potential action concerning a procurement matter (e.g., application, contract, project, or proposal), must report that communication within 30-days to the Procurement Policy Board (PPB) via their website.

As a university employee, you will need to self-register to establish your ID and password in order to use the system. Your report, once submitted, is published for public viewing on the PPB website.

The Procurement Policy Board has provided information regarding this requirement, including the statute, a link to the rules, frequently asked questions, reporting and general public links, and login assistance. Please refer to this page for the latest information. Your university ethics officer is responsible for assisting you with any additional questions you may have. If you are unsure if you have been involved in a communication with an outside party that requires reporting, please consult your university ethics officer by sending an email detailing your specific situation to

When to Report

ALWAYS report communications you receive about a procurement matter that:

  • Attempt to influence through duress, coercion or the direct or indirect offer or promise of anything of value to any person or entity in consideration for any benefit or preference in the procurement process.
  • You reasonably believe was made for any improper purpose, including, but not limited to, providing an improper benefit, monetary or non-monetary, to any person or entity.

You also need to report communications you receive that:

  • Are procurement matters – occur between the time a procurement need is documented and a final procurement action - such as contract award,
  • Are material - important in determining your course of action or decision, and
  • Are not formal responses to procurement solicitations – such as a bid, proposal or information.

You are not required to report communications:

  • With employees of other State agencies who are responding to your request for their experience or expertise.
  • That are unsolicited which provide general information about products, services or best practices, prior to becoming involved in a procurement matter.
  • That you receive in response to a procurement solicitation.
  • That are made publicly at public events.
  • Regarding procedure and practice, such as format, number of copies, manner of filing, and status of a matter;
  • Regarding the administration and implementation of an existing contract (Note: change order, renewal, or extension communications require reporting.)
Procurement Communications Reporting Worksheet

Attached is a document you may use during communicating with vendors or others, to help you collect information to submit to the Procurement Policy Board:

You may save your work on this document to your own files and then go back later to make corrections/updates.

More Information

Please contact the General Counsel, 217-581-7249, to arrange training for your employees on this new and important requirement.

In addition, a PowerPoint presentation is available containing instructions on using the site to report communications. (pdf version)

Frequently Asked Questions

Procurement Policy Board-developed FAQs

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