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*Call For Proposals for AY 2024-2025*
Grant Period Fiscal Year 2025
(July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024)
The College of Health and Human Services invites full-time faculty and staff of former academic units of the School of Family and Consumer Sciences. Faculty and Staff in Human Services, Nutrition and Dietetics, CTE Education, Hospitality, Fashion Merchandising, and Financial Literacy areas are eligible (Social Work and Public Health faculty and staff are ineligible for this grant opportunity). Those on the committee can apply, but will not be allowed to review and approve grants awarded. To apply for an AY 2024-2025 Winkleblack Family Fund (WFF) grant for charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes that are consistent with the University’s academic mission, instructional commitments, and financial capabilities.
Funding Priorities: (1) student recruitment or programming for undergraduate or graduate students, (2) faculty development, and (3) student development. Faculty and staff may apply for more than one grant during the FY 25 (AY 24-25) funding cycle referenced at the top of this page. A review committee consisting of faculty representation from each of the former FCS academic units will evaluate applications and submit funding recommendations to the CHHS Associate Dean by October 4, 2024. The CHHS Dean’s Office will make a decision and inform grant recipients of their award shortly thereafter.
Please make certain that you discuss your ideas with your Department Chair to avoid other faculty from your Department submitting funding proposals for duplicate items or projects. For individuals who received a grant last year and did not spend all of the money, your application will still be considered. However, if the applicants' money has not been spent repeatedly, the scholarship committee will consider this in the scoring process. Applications may not be considered for funding if you did not submit a final report from awards granted last fiscal year.
Faculty/staff applicants: You will need to submit the application here by September 27, 2024 at 4:30pm. You do not need references or other supporting documents; the committee or Dean’s office will request as needed. Once you complete the form, save it and upload it into the machform (link below). SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW.
*Investigator Application Deadline - Friday, September 27, 2024 at 4:30 pm
The CHHS Deans Office will make award announcements following the committee's decision (first two weeks of October).
*Winkleblack Application Form (remember to download, sign, submit, and save) => *download*
*Winkleblack Submission (mach form) => *here*
*Winkleblack Application Process => *summary and instructions*