Application Period Has Closed For FY25.
Submit Final Reports for FY 2025 here.
Final reports must be submitted for FY 2025 to be considered for an FY 2026 Grant
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The purpose of the Redden Grant award is for the improvement of undergraduate instruction. Grants are limited to a maximum of $1500. Funding period is July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. If applying for multiple grants, please submit one application per submission. Proposals require:
- A detailed rationale (approximately 250 words) on how the proposed project will improve undergraduate instruction.
- Address anticipated expenditures associated with the project.
If you have questions, feel free to contact Dr. Jill Bowers, Associate Dean (jbowers2@eiu.edu).
The next award period will be open soon. Notice will be sent out to all CHHS Faculty and Staff.
Timeline for next round:
- May 30, 2025 (Friday at 4:00 pm) = CALL FOR PROPOSALS WILL BE POSTED SOON. You may submit through this date (late or incomplete applications will not be considered).
- June 13, 2025 - Deadline for CHHS chairs to submit rank-order evaluations by email to Associate Dean Bowers (jbowers2@eiu.edu).
- July 1, 2025 - Tentative deadline for the CHHS Dean to make funding decisions and notify recipients (*Contingent upon receiving confirmation of approved funding allocation for AY 2025-2026 from the EIU Foundation before this date).
- Redden Grant recipients will be provided access to awarded funds via the CHHS Dean’s Office.
- June 15, 2026 - Deadline for grant recipients to spend AY 2025-2026 awards.
- June 30, 2026 - Deadline for grant recipients to submit AY 2025-2026 Redden Grant Online Summary Report describing how the grant funds were utilized to improve undergraduate instruction. (*Submission of summary report maintains eligibility for future Redden awards).The deadline for submit AY2025-2026 reports is June 30, 2025.
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AY2024-2025 Recipients (FY25)
Dr. Stacey Ruholl, Heart Monitors for ATP Lab
Dr. Mirana Schaljo, Equipment for KSR ATP Lab
Dr. Scott Ronspies, Modeling Appropriate Practices in Physical Education Teacher Education
Dr. Hasan Mavi, Enhancing Physical Education Teacher Education through Updated Equipment
Dr. Andrew Kerins, Student Attendance at the IPRA/IAPD Soaring New Heights Conference
Dr. Kristin Brown, Sport Industry Immersion Trip
Ms. Julie Harper, Stimulated Learning for Student Instruction
Dr. Chris Maniotes, Students Professional Networking with Alumni
Dr. Kathleen O'Rourke, Intergenerational Connections between EIU Students and Assisted Living Residents
LTC Andersen, Academic Success Software
LTC Andersen, Norwegian Foot March
Dr. Drew Kirkley, Enhancing Cardiac and Pulmanary Auscultation through Digital Stethoscope Integration
Dr. Jacy Ghast, Combatting Weight Bias IN Healthcare Students
Dr. Richard Clapp, I'm Shocked! Teaching Management of Arrhythmias Using a Physio-Control Lifepak Patient Simulator
Dr. Misty Rhoads, Public Health & Nutrition Professional Presentation Support
Ms. Emma Noble, Mental Health First Aid in the Classroom
Ms. Janssen-Robinson, Mass Casualty Simulation
Dr. Nikki Hillier, SOPHE Case Study Competition
Dr. Nikki Hillier, Public Health, Health Administration, and Health Science Majors: Pathway to Discover and Success
Ms. Amanda Harvery, Navigating Health Symposium and Student Research/Creativity Activity Presentation
Ms. Amanda Harvey, Faculty and Staff Self-Care Book Club
Dr. DeRuiter-Willems, Bridges School Health Fair
Dr. DeRuiter-Willems, Public Health Professional Development Opportunities
Dr. DeRuiter-Willems, IPHA Student Day Sponsorship