Eastern Illinois University assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage of guests' personal property. Please do not loan your keys out to anyone. Loaning your keys out or propping doors may compromise your safety and the safety of others.
If you have lost your room key, you can obtain a duplicate at the front desk. There is a $60.00 charge for conference hall keys and $25.00 for exterior door keys. If you should lose something during your stay or you have noticed that you left something behind after returning home, please call the Conference Services Office at 217-581-7482.
There are washers and dryers available. Please see EIU Camp Staff for assistance.
Mail is not delivered or picked up at the residence halls during the summer months. If you need to mail a letter or a package, there is a mail dropoff box underneath the walkway at the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. If you need to have something sent to you, we would recommend sending it to our Summer Conference Office. Once we receive your mail, we will have it sent directly to you.
The address is:
Conference Services- Housing
c/o Your Name and name of camp/conference
600 Lincoln Avenue
Martin Luther King Jr., University Union
Charleston, IL 61920
Access to local telephone service is provided in each building at no extra charge.
University personnel may enter a room to inspect for health, safety, and maintenance. They may also enter in the case of a life-threatening situation.
Parking for all summer conference guests is available free of charge in the student lots adjacent to a university building holding a conference. Please do not park in any of the fire lanes or staff parking lots at any time. A parking pass can be obtained from the front desk.
Curfew hours are designated by each group. Signs will be posted on exterior doors indicating the doors are locked. Room keys will not unlock exterior doors to the building. Adults are allowed to check out exterior door keys at the front desk.
Prohibited Activities in the Residence Halls and University Buildings |
1. Window screens, window stops, or seals may not be loosened or removed for any reason. |
2. Tampering or maliciously damaging the elevators. * |
3. Hard alcohol or drinks containing hard alcohol and illegal possession/use of drugs. ** |
4. Decorations in hallways must be kept free of crepe paper and signs must be hung on brick walls and room doors with masking tape. All decorations must be removed prior to your departure. Failure to do so will add cleaning charges to your bill. |
5. No water guns and water balloons. |
6. No smoking on University property. |
7. Room furniture may not be transferred, exchanged, or taken out of rooms. |
8. No excessive noise. |
9. No candles and incense. |
10. Guest visitation for minors is not permitted. |
*Elevator traffic is constant during the summer months; we ask all guests residing on floors one, two, and three to use the stairs whenever possible.
**Only beer and wine are allowed under the following guidelines: the guest is 21 years of age, in the privacy of their own room with the door closed, and in accordance with individual camp policy.
Guests must present their meal wristbands upon entering dining centers. If you have lost your wristband, please go to your assigned residence hall front desk. Replacements are available at a cost of $5.00.
For personal safety and sanitation, shoes and shirts must be worn in the Panther Dining Centers at all times. Pajamas and bathing suits are not considered appropriate dress.
Food, beverages, glasses, utensils, or other university property should never be taken out of the Panther Dining Centers. Guests found in violation of this policy will be charged for restitution and may not be allowed entry into the dining center during the remainder of their stay.
Please be courteous to those eating around you. Appropriate behavior is expected, and failure to behave appropriately will result in denial of access to any of our university Panther Dining Centers.
The Martin Luther King Jr. University Union provides 24-hour access to ATM service. The ATM is located on the main level in the east wing of the building.
The MLK Jr. Union Bookstore offers a variety of products including school supplies, Apple computers, office supplies, Greek merchandise and art supplies, books, software, greeting cards, novelties, magazines, Eastern clothing, and more. Fax services and outgoing UPS mailings can be processed in the bookstore.
The Vending Lounge offers a relaxed environment in which students/conference guests can relax, study or socialize with friends 24 hours a day. The lounge was recently remodeled to add better seating, improved lighting, and a wider variety of drinks and snacks.
Java B & B, located in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union next to the bookstore, offers Peet's Coffee, freshly brewed coffee, and iced specialty drinks along with gourmet baked goods and Häagen-Dazs ice cream. All these items are presented in a relaxing atmosphere in which students can study, read or connect their laptops to the Internet. To view the Java B&B menu, click here.
The Panther Pantry is another option for Panther Dining patrons. Beverages, snack foods, single-serving entrees, and basic needs are a few of the goods offered.
Camps and Conference Services
MLK Jr. University Union
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-7482
Fax: (217) 581-8481