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EIU Camps and Conferences

Summer Safety




Preventing or quickly responding to incidents that may threaten the safety of the University community is an issue that we at Eastern Illinois University take very seriously.  Eastern has implemented a Notification System that our Emergency Management Team initiates in case of a campus, local, regional, or national emergency.

Parents and summer guests are encouraged to sign up for AlertEIU messages.

Chaperones, coaches, and guests are encouraged to be aware of the following methods of communication and discuss them with participants of their program upon arrival:

  • A campus-wide siren/public address system will sound a “pulse tone” (on, off; on, off; on, off), followed by a public address message, if needed, in case of a nonweather-related emergency.  When this tone alert is disseminated, e-mails along with text messages go out to university staff to aid in fast responses to emergency situations.  (Please note: The Coles County Emergency Services severe weather alert is tested at 10:00 am on the first Tuesday of each month, while the EIU campus siren and public address system alert tone is tested at 10:30 am following the 10:00 am Coles County Emergency Test). 
  • Emergency information will be posted in public areas once the staff is notified.
  • Information will also be available via WEIU Radio FM 88.9.
  • We encourage all camp leaders, coaches, or camp directors to have their own notification system for their campers, parents, and guests (apps such as Remind or GroupMe).

Safety & Security in the Residence Halls:

  • Each guest receives a set of keys that allows them access to their assigned room and floor.  In addition to the room doors with locks, there are 24-hour locked doors leading to each floor of our residence halls which prevents guests from entering floors they do not reside on.  All elevators in our residence halls also require a key that will permit access to a summer guests’ floor.  It is a violation of policy for a summer guest to permit outside visitors to access to a building or floor they are not assigned to.  
  • Exterior doors are locked at 12:00 am.  Guests must show proof of residency to a university staff member to gain access to the building after doors are locked.
  • Trained staff of over 40 full-time, graduate students, and undergraduate students provide on-call service 24 hours a day to summer guests.
  • University staff conduct routine safety and security inspections on each floor every night.
  • Phone numbers of on-call university staff are posted at each residence hall front desk.
  • Chaperones, coaches, and program staff are required to stay on the floor with their participants.  The university requires 1 adult per 25 youth.
  • Security cameras are located in the Student Recreation Center, MLK Jr. University Union, dining centers, and residence hall public areas.  There are cameras located in all public areas in the residence halls including lobbies, basements, exterior doors, elevators, and stairwells.  Cameras are NOT in private rooms, residential hallways, or restrooms to ensure the privacy of our guests.

In addition, EIU has the following means of maintaining security:

  • University Police Department patrols our campus 24 hours a day; as well as a partnership to the Charleston Police Department, Mattoon Police Department, Coles County Sheriff’s Department, and the Illinois State Police.
  • 20 emergency call boxes (large gray/blue poles with a blue light on top) throughout campus that will dispatch police if activated.
  • In the event of an emergency, call 911. 

Additional safety precautions can be found on the following websites: 


Important Phone Numbers

Emergency 911
University Police Department (Office) 217-581-3213
University Police Department (Dispatch) 217-581-3212
University Health Services 217-581-3013
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center Emergency Room 217-348-2525
For questions concerning residence hall safety issues, please contact:
Office of Conference Services (M-F 8:00 am-4:30 pm) 217-581-7482
All residence hall front desk phone numbers are forwarded to an on-call university staff member during hours the desk is not in operation.

EIU Housing Staff are present at all residence hall front desks from 8:00am-midnight.  From midnight-8: 00 am, EIU Housing Staff that reside in each residence hall are on-call and can be contacted at the phone number displayed at each front desk.
Andrews Hall 217-581-3759
Lawson Hall 217-581-5131
McKinney, Ford, Weller Hall 217-581-2878
Stevenson, Lincoln, Powell-Norton Hall 217-581-5551
Taylor Hall 217-581-3333
Thomas Hall 217-581-3079
University Court Apartments Office 217-581-8000
University Housing & Dining Office (M-T 7:00 am-4:30 pm & F 7:00-12:00 pm ) 217-581-5111

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Contact Information

Matthew Boyer

Camps and Conference Services
MLK Jr. University Union
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-7482
Fax: (217) 581-8481

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