Streaming media, DVDs and other media are valuable tools in instruction because they enrich the learning environment, offer diverse perspectives, support various learning styles, and help develop critical thinking and media literacy skills. As such Booth Library acquires these resources and provides services to support the use of this type of content in EIU courses.
The librarian's understanding of the scholarly publishing environment enables us to provide support for your scholarly communication and publishing needs. If you have questions regarding scholarly publication; copyright and your rights as an author; whether to publish your scholarship in an Open Access journal; research impact; bibliometrics; research data management; predatory publishers, or how you can optimize the discovery and availability of our own body of scholarship through the University Institutional Repository (IR) The Keep, please contact us.
Booth Library has license agreements or other subscription arrangements with the following publishers to support Open Access to their content. See the guide below or contact your subject librarian for more information.
The IR serves as a platform to present the collective scholarship of the faculty, graduate student theses, and selected undergraduate honors works, as well as research data (ex. 1, ex. 2), and Open Educational Resources (OER).
Like popular scholar's networks such as, and ResearchGate, The Keep also serves as a research destination in it's function as a partner in the Digital Commons Network, linking EIU's open access scholarship to researchers worldwide.
In addition, the IR serves as a publishing platform for scholarly journals, conference websites, and events. To inquire about using the IR as a publishing platform for your project contact Todd Bruns []
We encourage you to have your own site on Scholars @ EIU, which is as simple as emailing a current CV to, for Institutional Repository Librarian Todd Bruns.
Book and Media Delivery Request Form - Items will be sent by mail
Article Delivery Request Form - Articles and Chapters will be scanned and sent by email
Distance Education Loan Policy - Outlines eligibility and responsibilities Faculty working off-campus are offered the services and assistance that are available on-campus. Please contact Circulation Services at 217-581-6071 if special arrangements are necessary.