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EIU Booth Library

Digital Collections

Art and Architecture in Illinois Libraries

Funded by a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Illinois State Library, this resource provides an inventory of artists, works of art, and architects represented in our public, academic, and research libraries in Illinois.

Booth Library Postcard Collection

The Booth Library Postcard Collection has as its focus the rich history of Illinois communities. The collection is especially rich in both interior and exterior views of buildings for schools, institutes, colleges, and universities.

East Central Illinois Local History Oral Interviews

The East Central Illinois Local History Oral Interviews project is a collection of recorded interviews (including transcripts) with residents of east-central Illinois, particularly Coles County, as well as with important political figures and Eastern Illinois University faculty and staff. The interviews were conducted mostly in the 1970s and 1980s by graduate students of History at Eastern Illinois University. Until now, the cassette tapes have been safely stored away but difficult to access. The participants in the interviews, many of them already long-time residents of Coles County at the time of the interviews, represent first-hand accounts of such historical events as the Charleston-Mattoon tornado of 1917, rationing in Coles County during World War II, and insights into farming and domestic life as far back as the very early years of the 20th century. The interviews provide unique perspectives and observations from individuals who represent direct linkages to the past through their experiences.

The Little Theatre on the Square in Sullivan

This Booth Library digitization project provides online access to valuable information about the history of theatrical performance in downstate Illinois. Through an arrangement with Sullivan, Illinois's Little Theatre on the Square, 50-plus years of theater programs and some additional ephemera have been digitized.

Eastern Illinois University Yearbook - The Warbler, 1919-1927

Published yearly since 1919, and well illustrated, the Warbler conveys information on students and faculty, chronicles important cultural and sporting events, describes organizational activities, and depicts changes in the campus layout and physical plant. This collection includes every page of the first 11 volumes. Funding for this grant was awarded by the Illinois State Library (ISL), a Division of the Office of Secretary of State, using funds provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), under the federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).

EIU Digital Archives

Digital Photo Archive Project

Project by University Archives

Booth Library Renovation Pictures

Partner Digital Archives Organizations

CARLI Digital Collections

CARLI Digital Collections was established in 2006 as a repository for digital content created by member libraries of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) or purchased by the consortium for use by its members. CARLI Digital Collections uses the CONTENTdm digital asset management tool to describe and deliver digital representations of myriad special collections including printed and manuscript materials, images, and sound recordings. It also guarantees researchers access to cross-institution and cross-collection searches integrating previously disparate and possibly remote special collections. CARLI Digital Collections is a growing image and special collections research resource for faculty, staff, students, and the public. By combining digital collections from a number of CARLI member institutions into a seamless environment, researchers are guaranteed richer search results on a variety of topics.

Illinois Digital Archives

Searchable repository of the Illinois State Library's digital collections, as well as the digitized collections of other libraries and cultural institutions.

Internet Archive - CARLI Book Digitization Initiative

Books scanned by the Internet Archive for the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois.

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