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EIU Booth Library

Distance Education Loan Policy

Eastern Illinois University’s distance education community is provided access to Booth Library's resources and services. Booth Library will lend library materials (articles, books, media, etc.) and provide articles to distance education students and faculty members as requested. Additionally, distance education can use Booth's interlibrary loan service to obtain materials not owned by the library.

Booth Library will mail the requested materials to the student or faculty member. However, it is the responsibility of the distance education patron to return the materials to Booth Library. The distance education patron must cover the costs incurred in mailing or returning the materials to Booth Library. Distance education patrons are not required to return photocopies or PDFs of articles to the library.

Fees will be charged to the student for materials that are not returned to the library by the due date. In cases when the items are mailed back to the library, the postmark date will be used to determine the overdue status.

Distance education students and faculty members residing within Coles County or those taking or teaching at least one on-campus course from the university are classed as on-campus patrons and are ineligible for the distance education loan service. Students and faculty members residing within Coles County or taking or teaching an on-campus class must access the library resources in person.

Revised Feb. 5, 2018

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Booth Library

600 Lincoln Avenue,
Charleston, IL 61920
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(217) 581-6072

Federal Depository LogoBooth Library is a Federal Depository Library


  • Today: 8:00am-5:00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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