Competitive Awards For
Graduate Students
The EIU Graduate School, with the generous support of benefactors and alumni, provides the following competitive awards and grants to degree-seeking graduate students. For more information about each grant/award, including eligibility guidelines, nomination/application process, and selection, please click on the award/grant name. Awards denoted with an asterisk require nomination/application to be made by graduate coordinator, faculty mentor, chair, or program staff. Deadlines for nomination/application are listed in parentheses.
Students should note that federal student aid receipt can impact any awarded monetary amount disbursed.
Williams Travel Grants were established to provide travel support for EIU graduate degree-seeking candidates who have papers or creative works accepted for presentation at regional, state, national or international conferences between July 1 and June 30 of the current fiscal year. The current competition covers presentations made from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.
Graduate degree-seeking candidates who are enrolled at the university during the term the project was presented. If you have requested and received the maximum amount of federal student aid, this may impact the award amount that we may disburse to you.
A Williams Travel Grant application will consist of the following:
- Completed application form.
- Abstract of 250 words (or fewer) describing the work presented.
- A letter from the candidate's faculty mentor addressing:
- the role of the student in the work and in its presentation at the meeting;
- the contribution of the work to the candidate's field, and;
- verification that the student will be enrolled in the university at the time of the presentation.
- Documentation that the work in consideration has been accepted for presentation during the eligibility dates. Documentation may include:
- a copy of an acceptance letter.
- a page from the conference/event program listing the student as a presenter.
- Provisional Consideration: Students who have submitted a paper for peer review but may not receive notification of acceptance before the application due date may request provisional consideration. To submit a provisional application Williams Travel Grant request:
- complete the Williams Travel Grant application form
- include a letter requesting provisional approval until notification of the paper's acceptance for presentation is received.
- Should the provisional application be approved, the student must provide evidence that the paper was accepted for presentation, as outlined in the application guidelines above, in order to receive the award.
To apply for for this grant, please complete the form found here: Williams Travel Grant Application
Graduate School Research/Creative Activity Awards provide financial incentives and support for outstanding graduate research and creative activities. Preference is given to research projects and creative activities that hold the potential for generating external impact, including partnerships with businesses, industries or other educational agencies, through academic publications, or the display of new, creative ideas.
Graduate students who are participating in research or creative activities may apply for this grant. Students should apply for the grant in the semester in which any award amount received would be used. Please note: To ensure the grant is used specifically for the student research/creative activities, any grant funding received will be given to the graduate program department to disburse accordingly.
Graduate Students may apply for a Graduate School Research/Creative Activity Grant.
A complete application packet includes a(n):
- Completed application
- Maximum two (2) page essay discussing the following:
- the hypothesis being tested or the creative need being fulfilled;
- an explanation of the significance of the project;
- a discussion of the novelty of the project; (How does it differ from what has already been done?)
- sufficient details to verify the feasibility of the project;
- a description of plans to disseminate research results in peer-reviewed outlets or identify the potential communities that will be impacted by the creative activity.
- the benefit to the partner agency, and what contribution the partner agency will make to the project. (If applicable.)
- Abstract of the project that does not exceed one-half page or approximately 150 words.
- Itemized project budget.
- Letter of support from the student's graduate faculty mentor which details the:
- significance of the research or creative activity.
- novelty of the project by noting how this project differs from previous years' submissions.
- plans to disseminate research results in a peer-reviewed outlet or, for creative activities, the impact it will have on the individuals and/or communities.
- Letter of support from partner agency/business/institution (if applicable)
Submissions may be entered via this form: Graduate School Research/Creative Activity Grant Application
Named for, and supported by, Robert Augustine, Ph.D., EIU Graduate School dean from 1998 through 2015, and his spouse, Kathryn, an alumna of EIU's College of Education, this award provides recognition of the highest achievement in master's degree research-based projects completed between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2024.
Nominees must be a graduate degree-seeking candidate who completed a thesis as part of the requirements for the master's degree during the dates specified above.
- Each department or graduate program may select outstanding theses of their graduate students (who meet the eligibility criteria) to forward for consideration of this illustrious award.
- A complete nomination packet will include the following:
- Digital copy of the thesis being nominated (or link to thesis in Booth Library's The Keep).
- Digital copy of the abstract of the thesis (not to exceed 300 words) which describes the research and its significance.
- Digital one-page resume of the nominee
- Letter from the graduate faculty mentor noting the significance and quality of the work.
Graduate program faculty and administrators may upload nomination packets via this link: Robert & Kathryn Augustine Distinguished Master's Thesis Award Nomination.
Award winners are selected by the Awards Subcommittee of the Council on Graduate Studies.
Recipients of the Augustine Distinguished Master's Thesis Award receive an honorarium, recognition during the Graduate Student Awards Ceremony, and are featured in the Graduate Scholar: Journal of Scholarship and Recognition. Recipients may also be eligible for nomination to the Midwest Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) ProQuest Distinguished Master's Thesis competition. (See section on MAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Master's Thesis competition for more information.)
MAGS/PROQUEST DISTINGUISHED MASTER'S THESIS AWARD* (Part of the Augustine Distinguished Thesis Award Process)
The academic disciplines in which the Midwest Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) thesis award nominations are accepted rotate yearly. The categories for the 2024-2025 academic year are in Social Sciences; and, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering.
Nominations to the MAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Master's Thesis Award are selected from the entries for the Robert & Kathryn Augustine Distinguished Master's Thesis Award.
- If the recipient of the Robert & Kathryn Augustine Distinguished Master's Thesis Award academic discipline falls within the MAGS/ProQuest selected categories, the thesis will be automatically advanced to the MAGS competition by the graduate school.
- If the recipient of the Robert & Kathryn Augustine Distinguished Master's Thesis falls outside of the academic disciplines selected by MAGS/ProQuest, then a nomination will be made using the highest ranking theses from the college winners in the appropriate disciplines.
A winner is selected by the MAGS/ProQuest thesis committee.
Past MAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Thesis winners have received a $750 honorarium from MAGS/ProQuest and travel expenses (up to $500) to attend the annual MAGS conference. For current information on the MAGS thesis competition, click here.
The EIU College Thesis Award of Excellence provides recognition of outstanding achievement in graduate research from each of the four (4) academic colleges (College of Education, College of Health and Human Services, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, and Lumpkin College of Business & Technology) based on master's thesis projects completed between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2024.
Recipients will be selected from among those who are nominated for,
but do not receive, the Augustine Distinguished Master's Thesis Award.
The nomination guidelines are same as the Robert and Kathryn Augustine Distinguished Master's Thesis Award.
Award winners are selected by an Awards Subcommittee of the Council on Graduate Studies.
Recipients are recognized during the Graduate School Awards Ceremony, and featured in the Graduate Scholar: Journal of Scholarship and Recognition.
Established by Nancie King-Mertz, ('77 Art, EIU Graduate School), the King-Mertz Distinguished Research or Creative Activity Award recognizes the highest achievement of non-thesis graduate research/creative activity projects required for a degree program and completed between January 1 and December 31 of the prior year.
Graduate degree-seeking candidates who completed a research/creative activity as part of the requirements for the graduate degree during the dates specified.
- Nomination process begins at the graduate program level. Graduate programs gather nominations, review, and select nominees according to procedures developed by the graduate program. Self-nominations by students are not permitted.
- A complete nomination packet includes:
- A letter of nomination from the graduate faculty mentor noting the significance and quality of the work.
- An abstract of the project (not to exceed 300 words) which describes the project and its significance.The abstract must also include the title of the project, the name of the degree program, and the name of the author.
- A one-page resume of the nominee
- Copy of the project.
- Copy may be submitted as a text file if the project is a written document; as an image(s) if the project is artwork; or as a media/video file if the project is a recital, performance, or presentation.
- Nomination form may be found here: King-Mertz Distinguished Research/Creative Activity Award Nomination Form
Award winners are selected by an Awards Subcommittee of the Council on Graduate Studies.
The recipient is given an honorarium, recognized during the Graduate School Awards Ceremony, and featured in the Graduate Scholar: Journal of Scholarship and Recognition.
The King-Mertz Research/Creative Activity College Award of Excellence recognizes an outstanding submission of a non-thesis graduate research/creative activity in each of the four (4) academic colleges (College of Education, College of Health and Human Services, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, and Lumpkin College of Business & Technology) completed between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 of the prior year.
Graduate degree-seeking candidates who completed the research/creative activity as part of the requirements for the graduate degree during the dates specified.
- Nomination process begins at the graduate program level. Graduate programs gather nominations, review, and select nominees according to procedures developed by the graduate program. Self-nominations by students are not permitted.
- Application procedures are the same as the King-Mertz Distinguished Research/Creative Activity Award and the same form is utilized. (King-Mertz Distinguished Research/Creative Activity Award Nomination Form)
Award winners are selected by an Awards Subcommittee of the Council on Graduate Studies.
The recipient will receive an honorarium, be recognized during the Graduate School Awards Ceremony, and featured in the Graduate Scholar: Journal of Scholarship and Recognition.
Established by the Graduate School Alumni Advisory Board, with support from graduate alumni, this award recognizes outstanding research and creative activity by a graduate student.
Recipient must:
- be a full-time graduate student; or, accepted into a graduate degree program.
- have a 3.50 GPA.
- be completing the research/creative activity project as a requirement in partial fulfillment of the degree.
Additionally, preference will be given to students enrolled in, or accepted into, Graduate Programs of Excellence.
A complete application packet will include:
- a proposal or abstract demonstrating the impact the project will have on the discipline and/or profession.
- three (3) letters of recommendation from faculty familiar with the project.
- a student resume.
Application may be submitted via this form: Graduate Alumni Board Outstanding Research/Creative Activity Award Application
The recipient of the Graduate Alumni Board Outstanding Research/Creative Activity Award is selected by members of the Graduate School Alumni Advisory Board.
The recipient will be recognized during the Graduate School Awards Ceremony, and featured in the Graduate Scholar: Journal of Scholarship and Recognition.
The EIU and Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) Excellence in Teaching Award recognizes those graduate assistants who provide exemplary teaching and mentoring as a component of their graduate education, and as part of their preparation for possible future service as college and university faculty.
Graduate Coordinators are responsible for nominating candidates. Self-nominations by students are not permitted. Nominee must:
- hold appointments as Supervised Instructional Assistants, in the following approved degree programs:
MA in Art
MA in Communication Studies
MA in English
MS in College Student Affairs
MS in Counseling
MS in Kinesiology & Sports Studies
MS in Biological Sciences
MA in Mathematics
- perform teaching and mentoring as a component of graduate education, and as part of their preparation for careers as college faculty.
- have been enrolled during the prior fall semester and current application (spring) terms.
- have at least one prior term of teaching experience. (All prior teaching while in pursuit of the graduate degree at EIU may be included in the review portfolio.)
Teaching Assistants who perform teaching duties as part of a teaching assistantship, in any degree program, may be eligible for nomination. The teaching and mentoring duties performed by the graduate student must be a component of their graduate education, and as part of their preparation in consideration of careers as college faculty.
Each graduate program may select one (1) assistant who meets the eligibility criteria for consideration of the award.
A complete nomination includes a digital copies of the following:
- Letter of support from the Department Chair
- A Teaching Portfolio that is limited to six (6) double spaced pages, and includes a summary of the following:
- Statement of teaching philosophy
- Evidence of:
- instructional design/innovation, instructional delivery, course management, and student learning;
- how research informs teaching; and,
- effective student/colleague mentoring
- Courses taught, number of students, instructional responsibility
- Summary (strengths or compelling statements) of student evaluations of teaching
- Awards and honors for teaching excellence
- Curriculum Vitae
All digital materials should be sent to Myra Taylor, Graduate School Support Specialist at metaylor4@eiu.edu.
The EIU recipient of this award will be required to provide the following materials for a MAGS Excellence in Teaching Nomination:
- 10 minute video clip of “teaching in action.” If you need assistance filming the video, please contact EIU Marketing and Communications via submission of this form: Marketing and Communications Job Request Form.
- The Graduate School will submit a current transcript and a nomination form at the time of submission to MAGS.
Award winners are selected by the Executive Committee (Chair and Vice Chair) of EIU’s Council on Graduate Studies.
The recipient will be recognized during the Distinguished Graduate Student Awards Ceremony and featured in the Graduate Scholar: Journal of Scholarship and Recognition. Additionally, the recipient will be nominated for the prestigious MAGS Excellence in Teaching Award. (Previous MAGS Excellence in Teaching award recipients have received a $750 honorarium from MAGS and travel expenses to attend the annual MAGS conference.)
An honor bestowed by each graduate program, the Distinguished Graduate Student award is given to one (1) student in each graduate program. (Programs having both on campus and online pathways may select one (1) student from each cohort.)
Student selection criteria is determined by the faculty of the individual graduate program. Distinguished Graduate Student recipients are subsequently eligible to be nominated for induction into the Hamand Society of Graduate Scholars.
Graduate Coordinators, or their designees, submit their program's selection by completing the form found at this link: Distinguished Graduate Student Award Recipient. Students may not self-nominate.
Student selection is made at the graduate program level.
Distinguished Graduate Student recipients are recognized during the Graduate School Awards Ceremony, and featured in the Graduate Scholar: Journal of Scholarship and Recognition.
Named in honor of the first dean of The Graduate School, Dr. Lavern Hamand, the Hamand Society of Graduate Scholars recognizes degree-seeking graduate candidates whose achievements in both scholarship and service have had a documented impact on the discipline and the community. The quality and impact of the scholarship and service achievements of Hamand Society of Graduate Scholars reflects the highest ideals of the engaged graduate student. Given the award's prestige, only five (5) candidates will be inducted into the Society each academic year.
- Nomination may only be made by a student sponsor, such as the program graduate coordinator, program chair, or another member of the graduate faculty at Eastern Illinois University.
- Two (2) co-sponsors who have direct knowledge/experience with the candidate and may be members of the university community, or constituents external to the university, are also required to support the nomination.
- Nominee must be a recipient of the Distinguished Graduate Student Award for their program.
- Nominee must be enrolled as a full-time or part-time degree-seeking candidate at the time of nomination.
- Student must have a cumulative graduate grade point average of 3.75 or higher at the time of nomination for the Hamand award.
- Documentation of service may be evidenced by, but not limited to, examples of participation in:
- department, college/school, university organizations; civic organizations that enhance life in the community; programs that enhance schools and/or other public assets; programs that improve the lives of others regionally, nationally or abroad; or, through:
- recognition for leadership roles within the university, discipline, workplace or community.
- completion of initiatives or new programs that have positively influenced the university, discipline, workplace or community.
- Evidence of scholarship may be demonstrated by, but not limited to, examples such as:
- Awards/recognition for scholarship, research projects, or creative activity; peer-reviewed publication and/or presentation of graduate work; invitations to present graduate work.
- A complete nomination packet will include the following:
- A letter of nomination from the sponsor documenting the candidate’s achievements and impact in the required areas.
- Letters from each co-sponsor to verify and support the candidate’s achievements and impact.
- Student nominee's resume.
- Nominations are submitted online via this form: Hamand Society of Graduate Scholars Nomination Form.
The Council on Graduate Studies Hamand Society Board (Comprised of a representative, appointed by the graduate school dean from each of the colleges) selects the Hamand Society of Graduate Scholars recipients. Members of the Council on Graduate Studies Hamand Society Board in any given year cannot nominate a student or provide letters of support for a Hamand Society Scholar nominee.
Hamand Scholars are inducted into the Hamand Society of Graduate Scholars during the Graduate Students Awards Ceremony, and receive an honorarium from the EIU Foundation, and featured in the Graduate Scholar: Journal of Scholarship and Recognition. Scholars become lifetime members of the society and will be invited to return to campus periodically to participate in the ceremonies for newly inducted recipients.