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EIU College of Arts and Humanities

Graduation Certification

Certification of graduation is done through the Dean's office

Applying for Graduation

Deadlines for applying for graduation:

  • Fall 2017: November 7, 2017
  • Spring 2018: March 21, 2018
  • Summer 2018: June 27, 2018
  • Fall 2018: November 6, 2018

Currently all applications for graduation must be submitted through the PAWS system. Please contact Angie Rhoads in 2214 Doudna, or (217) 581-5221 with questions.

Degree Audit Review, indicating your progress toward completion of the degree requirements, will be emailed to your EIU email address once you apply.

Commencement Information (including cap and gown ordering) is available only at the Commencement website. Please note, there is no commencement ceremony for Summer graduation. Students completing requirements during the summer term are automatically eligible to participate in the fall ceremony.

Diploma Covers are handed out at commencement ceremonies. Diplomas will be mailed to the address you enter in the application (this can take up to three months).

Important: Ideally, you should submit an application three semesters prior to graduation. Do not wait until the last minute!

Participation in Commencement Ceremonies by Exception

Requesting exceptionality allows students to participate in a commencement ceremony prior to the term that degree requirements will actually be completed. Commencement ceremonies are only offered at the conclusion of the fall and spring terms, so students who will complete their requirements over the summer or who have only student teaching, internship, or practicum to complete may be granted permission to participate in the commencement ceremony preceding their final term.

Participation in a commencement ceremony does not signify completion of a degree. No student will be certified for graduation and awarded a degree and diploma until the appropriate certifying dean has provided the Office of the Registrar with official verification of the completion of all degree requirements.

The deadlines to apply for participating in commencement by exceptionality are the first Tuesday in November for the fall semester and the Wednesday after Spring Break for the spring semester. To apply for exceptionality, please see Angie Rhoads in the College of Arts and Humanities Dean's Office, 2214 Doudna Fine Arts Center. You may also contact Angie at 581-5221 or if you have any questions about this process.

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Graduation Certification


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