What must be reviewed by the IRB?
What levels of review are conducted by the IRB?
What training do I need in order to conduct research with human subjects?
Do I have to request approval for each project in a research methods course?
What do I need to do in order to have a proposal reviewed by the IRB?
How much time is required for IRB review?
What if my research project was approved by the IRB and I want to change it?
Is informed consent required for all research projects?
What is required in an informed consent or assent form?
Is approval required to utilize publicly available data?
Any research activities that involve human subjects.
Research means a systematic investigation—including research, development, testing, and evaluation—designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. Dissemination of findings to a scientific audience is a sufficient criterion for identifying generalizable knowledge. Dissemination includes, but is not limited to, honor's, master's, and doctoral theses; presentation at a scientific meeting or conference; submission to or publication in a scientific journal; and Internet postings.
Human subject means a living individual about whom an investigator obtains (a) information or biospecimens through interaction with the individual, or (b) identifiable private information.
Examples of work that must be reviewed by the IRB:
Examples of work that is not considered research and does not require IRB review:
There are three levels of IRB review: exempt, expedited, and full review. The IRB will determine the level of review conducted based on established criteria. The following is a brief overview of that criteria:
Exempt review of research is conducted by the IRB chairperson, IRB vice chairperson, or a designated IRB member. Exempt review can be conducted for the following research scenarios:
Expedited review of research is conducted by the IRB chairperson or vice chairperson, as well as a designated IRB member. Expedited review can be conducted for the following research scenarios:
Full reviews are conducted for research activities in which the involvement of human subjects involves more than minimal risk, does not fall within the exemption or expedited review categories, or involves certain vulnerable populations. Review takes place at the first IRB meeting scheduled at least 2 weeks after submission of the research proposal.
CITI Program Training must be completed by Faculty and Students conducting independent research (including research for a thesis). This training can be completed online at: http://www.citiprogram.org/
Students in a research methods class should be trained by one of three methods detailed in the IRB policy (also detailed on Course Certification Request Form).
No, provided the research is not intended to contribute to generalizable knowledge or place the subjects at more than minimal risk, and is not intended for publication. In this circumstance, faculty may file for certification of all projects in the course by using the Course Certification Request form.
If theses or other publications are written as a result of the research in the course, then the Primary Investigator must submit the Application for Review of Research Involving Human Subjects and all other required materials to the IRB for review.
Complete formal training in protection of human subjects (CITI Program Training).
Submit all forms and materials to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), 1102 Blair Hall, or e-mail to eiuirb@eiu.edu. Proposals must include the following:
Study protocols submitted for exempt or expedited review are reviewed by members of the IRB on a continual basis. Protocols are processed in the order they are received, regardless of estimated project start date. Initial review will be completed within 10 business days. If a protocol is incomplete or imprecise, it will be returned for completion/revision, and the resubmitted revised protocol will be reviewed within 10 business days. Complete and precise protocols that are Exempt from Further Review will be reviewed by an IRB member within 10 business days, and completed and precise protocols that qualify for Expedited Review will be reviewed by two IRB members within 20 business days.
Studies requiring full committee review can only be reviewed at one of the regular monthly meetings of the IRB. These studies should be submitted to ORSP no less than two weeks prior to the next scheduled monthly meeting of the IRB.
Any proposed modifications to the research project’s protocol or informed consent forms must be approved by the IRB prior to implementation.
To request a modification review, file a Request for Modification of Existing Protocol form with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For minor modifications that do not change the substance of the project, the level of risk to the subjects, or the level of review required, the review timeline will be fairly short. For more than minor modifications, the review process and timeline are the same as for a new application.
Yes, with a few exceptions.
Informed consent assures that potential subjects understand the nature of the research project and can make an informed, voluntary decision about participation. The researcher is responsible for ensuring that informed consent is obtained in writing from the subject or the subject’s legally authorized representative. Typically, informed consent is documented through the use of a written informed consent form that has been approved by the IRB and signed by the subject or the subject’s legally authorized representative. The person who signs the informed consent form must be given a copy as a reference.
Research projects involving children as subjects typically require the written permission of one or both parents or guardian via the informed consent process. In addition to parental or guardian permission for a child to participate in a research study, the assent of the child must be solicited, if the child is capable of providing assent.
If an adult who is decisionally-impaired is the subject of research, written permission is typically required of the guardian of the potential participant via the informed consent process. In addition to guardian consent, the assent of the potential participant must be solicited, if the person is capable of providing assent.
Informed consent forms and assent forms, if applicable, must be submitted to the IRB for review.
The IRB may approve a waiver of some or all of the informed consent requirements provided that:
Additionally, Federal regulations allow the IRB to waive written documentation of informed consent for research that falls within one or more exemption categories. In this case, participants still receive informed consent, but signatures are not collected (for example, a researcher who is using a survey may include the elements of informed consent in a letter of invitation to participate and by completing the survey subjects are consenting to participate in the research study).
The requirement to obtain a signed informed consent for some or all of the subjects can be waived provided the IRB finds either of the following:
Any waivers to informed consent procedure or documentation must be requested by the researcher in the Application for Review of Research Involving Human Subjects.
An Informed Consent Form Checklist and Informed Consent Form Template are provided on the ORSP website, and provide the basic elements that must be included in an informed consent form.
If children or persons who are decisionally-impaired are the subjects of research, Assent Guidelines are provided on the ORSP website.
In all cases, the language used to present informed consent needs to be appropriate for the targeted subject population.
Many private organizations and public agencies make individual level data available to the public. If data files have been reviewed by the appropriate IRB and have been classified as public use data files, then it is not necessary to obtain EIU IRB review and approval to use public use data files.
When utilizing public use data files, be aware of the following:
1102 Blair Hall