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EIU Writing Project



Eastern Illinois Writing Project Newsletters


Fall 2017 Newsletter

Contents include an overview of our 2017 Institute Day and invitational summer institute, information about two grants we received, a review of our Eastern Illinois University Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing, and an introduction to our Advanced Institute.


Fall 2016 Newsletter

Contents include an overview of our 2016 Institute Day and invitational summer institute, information about two grants for which we are applying, a review of our Eastern Illinois University Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing, and an introduction to a technology tool. 


Spring 2016 Newsletter

Contents: Invitation to register for the 2016 summer institute, Testimony from Summer Institute Participants, , Save the Date information about the 2016 Institute Day on October 14, Information about the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing at EIU, Information about two grant proposals under consideration, and Books Worth Reading.


Summer 2015 Newsletter

  • Contents: Recap and photos from the 2015 Summer Institute, information on the 2015 Institute Day, information on the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing at EIU, a special announcement, and Books Worth Reading.



Spring 2015 Newsletter

  •  Contents: Summer Workshops for Teachers information, 2015 Summer Institute information, an announcement about the 2015 Institute Day featuring Troy Hicks on October 16, and information about the Graduate Certificate and books worth reading.


Fall 2014 Newsletter

  • Contents: Recap and photos from the 2014 Institute Day, information on the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing at EIU, and an announcement about the 2015 Summer Institute.


Summer 2014 Newsletter

  • Contents: Recap and photos from the 2014 Summer Institute, information on the 2014 Institute Day, information on the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing at EIU, a special announcement, and Books Worth Reading.


Spring 2014 Newsletter

  • Contents: Announcement of the 2014 Institute Day, updated on professional development in the Martinsville schools, information on the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing at EIU, and Books Worth Reading.

Fall 2013 Newsletter

  • Contents: Recap of the 2013 Institute Day, update on professional development in the Martinsville schools, information on the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing at EIU, and Books Worth Reading.

Summer 2013 Newsletter

  • Contents: Recap of the 2013 Summer Institute, information on the 2013 Institute Day, information on the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing at EIU, and Books Worth Reading.

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Contact Information

Eastern Illinois Writing Project
Terri Fredrick, Director

Coleman Hall 3070

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