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Eastern Illinois University

Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language

Minor Requirements

Core Courses (12 hours)

CDS 2200, Language Acquisition. Credits: 3

ENG 2901, Structure of English. Credits:

ENG 3902, Theoretical Foundations of Second Language Acquisition. Credits: 3


One methods course chosen from:

ELE 4890 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students/ELL Instructional Methods.[4] Credits: 3


WLE 3400, Methods of Teaching Foreign Language.[5] Credits: 3



Electives (6 hours)


AFR 2200G, Pan Africanism. Credits: 3

ANT 2200G, Introduction to Anthropology, Credits: 3 

CDS 2100, Phonetics and Phonological Development. Credits: 3

CMN 3710, Intercultural Communication. Credits: 3

EDF 2555G, Education in a Diverse Society: The Multilingual/Multicultural Classroom. Credits: 3

ELE/MLE 3280, Developmental Reading in the Elementary and Middle School.[6] Credits: 3

ELE/MLE 3281, Developmental Reading in Early Childhood.[7] Credits 3

ELE 4890, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students/ELL Instructional Methods.* Credits: 3

ENG 2706G, Latin American and Latinx Literatures. Credits: 3

ENG 2850, Postcolonial Literatures. Credits: 3

ENG 3705, American Multicultural Literature. Credits: 3

ENG 3901, Language and Linguistics. Credits: 3

ENG 3907, Asian Literatures. Credits: 3

ENG 4850, Studies in Postcolonial and Third World Literatures. Credits: 3

ENG 4901, History of the English Language. Credits: 3

GEO 1100G, Cultural Geography. Credits: 3

GEO 1200G, World Regional Geography. Credits: 3

GEO 3055, Geography and Culture of Asia. Credits: 3

GEO 3060 Geography and Culture of Europe. Credits: 3

GEO 3070, Geography and Culture of Mexico, Central America and Caribbean. Credits: 3

HIS 2550G, US History: Building Latino/a/e Communities. Credits: 3

HIS 3260, Modern Latin America. Credits: 3

WLE 3400, Methods of Teaching Foreign Language.* Credits: 3

WLF 2201G Intermediate French I. Credits: 4

WLF 2202G Intermediate French II. Credits: 4

WLG 2201G Intermediate German I. Credits: 4

WLG 2202G Intermediate German II. Credits: 4

WLS 2201G Intermediate Spanish I. Credits: 4

WLS 2202G Intermediate Spanish II. Credits: 4

WLS/F/G 3501, Exploring Spanish/French/German for Young Learners. Credits: 3

Any World Language course at the 3000-level or above (3-4 credits) 


*May be taken as an elective for the minor if not taken as part of the core courses above.

[1] All prerequisites apply.

[2] All prerequisites apply.

[3] All prerequisites apply.

[4] All prerequisites apply.

[5] Prerequisites may be waived for students in the minor not seeking teacher certification.

[6] All prerequisites apply.

[7] All prerequisites apply.