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EIU Rural School Initiative

Past Professional Development

Fall 2022


Drones and Robots in the Classroom
Presenter(s): Rural School’s Initiative Staff
Drones and Robots are high interest and engagement for students. They can be affordable too. This PD will discuss classroom lesson applications for integrating into almost any subject. This is a hands-on session with a chance to use the devices for those able to join in person. 

Using Simple Circuits to Address the New Illinois C.S. Standards

Presenter(s): MSTE Staff with Assistance from Rural School’s Initiative
Basic low voltage electric circuits use logic and provide the opportunity to work with something you can’t see but still manage the outcomes. This session will start with paper circuits that fit a shoestring budget. It lead into using MicroBit: controllers costing under $20 that can be easily programmed with free software. They're student proof and fun. Those attending live can try them all.

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