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Eastern Illinois University


How do I publish to my EIU web account?

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Upon the creation of your EIU e-mail address, you will also have an EIU web account created for you. Your EIU web account contains a publicly accessible directory (www for employees, http for students), which means that anyone with web access can see the files in these directories. These directories are designed to be used for easy web publishing. An HTML file placed in your public directory will display as a web page.

To publish your web pages, simply upload your web page documents and images to your web directory. In order to do this, you will need to use a program that supports SFTP transfers. ITS recommends the program WinSCP for web publishing and has provided instructions on how to publish to your web space using that program.

Basic instructions are available for publishing to the EIU web space below. After you publish to your web space, you will be able to access and share the URL from http://[hostname]/~[NetID]/[filename].[file_extension]

 Host nameWeb folder


If you plan to publish your Web pages so that they may be viewed publicly on the Web, then you will need to transfer them from your computer to the Web server. WinSCP will allow you to do this. The software is linked to from the free software Self Help article of the PantherTech website.

These steps assume that you have already created web pages on your computer. This document also assumes that you already have WinSCP installed on your computer.

  1. Once you have installed WinSCP on your computer, you should be able to find the program under your Programs menu.
  2. If this is your first time running WinSCP, when the WinSCP Login dialog box opens, click the New button in the upper right hand corner of the dialog box.
  3. A new set of fields will appear for you to fill in.
  4. In the Host name field, enter the host name from the table above.
  5. In the User name field, type in your NetID.
  6. In the Password field, type in your NetID password.
  7. Make sure that the File protocol is set to SFTP.
  8. Press the Login button.
  9. A warning message may pop up indicating that the server’s host key was not found in the cache. Respond to this warning by choosing Yes.
  10. If you have successfully logged in, a two paned view will appear. The left side view corresponds to the files on your computer. The right side view corresponds to files on your EIU web account.
  11. Make sure that, in the left side view, you navigate to the directory where the web files you created reside.
  12. In the right side view, click on the 'www' or 'http' folder in order to navigate into that directory. Only files within this web directory will be publicly viewable.
  13. Now, use your mouse to drag and drop the files that you want to have published from the left sided view to the right sided view.
  14. Once the files have transferred, they will appear on the right sided view.
  15. Once you are done transferring your files, you can press F10 to disconnect from the web server and exit WinSCP.


These steps assume that you have already created web pages on your computer. This document also assumes that you already have Dreamweaver installed on your computer.

  1. With Dreamweaver open, click on "Site --> Manage Sites" on the menu bar.
  2. Click 'New...' to create a new site or 'Edit...' to modify an existing site.
  3. Select the 'Advanced' tab, then select 'Remote Info' under category.
  4. Enter the host name from the table above in the 'FTP host' field and the web folder in the 'Host directory' field. Enter your NetID and Password in the 'Login' and 'Password' fields.
  5. Check the box 'Use Secure FTP (SFTP)' and then click 'Ok' to confirm the new settings.


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