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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2012-10-15
From: Julie Lockett
To: Employees

Subject: D2L Online Self-Directed Training Now Available

EIU Faculty and Staff now have the opportunity to complete online Self-Directed Training hosted by Desire2Learn. The training is provided by CATS at no cost to faculty or staff. The D2L Self-Directed Training contains robust content including over 125 video tutorials, fully integrated help documentation, learning activities and checklist. The training was recently revised to reflect the changes in D2L version 10. The training is available when you need it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You complete the training at your own pace or it can also be used as a reference. Go here ( to request an account. For questions, contact Julie Lockett at


Julie Lockett

Julie Lockett, Director of Instructional Technology Services
Center for Academic Technology Support, McAfee 1272
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920
Voice: 217.581.8449; FAX: 217.581.7998
Email:; Web: