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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2020-02-28
From: EIU Payroll Office
To: All Employees

Subject: New Earnings Statement Available

Dear: NAME

You now have an earnings statement available to view in PAWS. Please note, a deposit will not be made to your account(s) until your scheduled payday.The Payroll Schedule can be found here:

To view your earnings information (paystub) on-line, access PAWS from the EIU homepage:

  • Sign-in to PAWS using your EIU NetID and password (If you do not know your NetID and password, please contact the HELP desk at 581-4357).
  • Select the EMPLOYEE tab.
  • Select PAY STUB (The system will default to the current calendar year.)
  • Select DISPLAY.
  • Select the payroll period you wish to view.
  • If you wish to print the statement, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the PRINTER FRIENDLY radio button. This will give you a printable format. Please note, your SSN is not displayed and will not be printed.

If you have any questions regarding your earnings statement, please contact the Payroll Department at 581-5510.

Thank you!
Payroll Team