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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2015-12-08
From: Information Technology Services
To: Students, Employees, Various Recipients

Subject: University network maintenance - Monday December 28, 2015

ITS Network Engineers will replace aging EIU network equipment on Monday December 28, 2015 between 7:00am and 6:00pm.  Due to the nature of the maintenance, all network services will be impacted.

All services relying on network access will be unavailable, including but not limited to:
-access from on campus to off campus web based services
-access from off campus to on campus web based services
-Banner INB
-D2L Brightspace
-VPN access
-EIU Main Web Page
-Banner Document Management
-Files server (M: and U: drives)
-UX1, Castle, and Pen websites
-Booth Library website and electronic resources
-any services that requires login with EIU NetID and password
-any service that relies on access over the network or internet