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Sent: 2010-03-22
From: Department of Health Studies
To: Students

Subject: Did You Get the Needle?

You are invited to participate in a research study on the H1N1 vaccine being conducted by Dr. Kathy Phillips, Dr. Richard Cavanaugh, Dr. Sheila Simons and student Jennifer Cannon from the Department of Health Studies at Eastern Illinois University. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary.

The purpose of this survey is to explore your perceptions about the H1N1 immunization. You have been asked to participate in this study because you are a student at EIU. From the information gathered, we hope to learn more about students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors relative to the H1N1 immunization. In addition, the results of this research project may lead to development of appropriate educational intervention strategies with regard to student immunizations.

If you are willing to participate, you will be asked to respond to a series of questions. We estimate that it will take you approximately 10-12 minutes to complete the survey. There is no foreseeable risk in your participation. We do not anticipate any discomfort or any other negative outcomes happening to you as the result of completing this survey.

Your participation is entirely voluntary. You may end your participation at any point during the survey by exiting your web browser. If you choose not to participate, or choose to end your participation at any point during the survey, there will be no penalty.

If you wish to participate, click n the link below:


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