Official University Emails
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From: Paul McCann, Interim Vice President for Business Affairs/Treasurer
To: Employees, Students, Various Recipients
Subject: EIU Tobacco-Free Campus
Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students:
Beginning July 1, 2015, all smoking and tobacco use will be prohibited on the campus of Eastern Illinois University.
In accordance with the Illinois Smoke Free Campus Act (Public Act 098-0985), the use of all tobacco products will be prohibited on all campus property, both indoors and outdoors, including buildings, grounds, parking lots and vehicles that are owned, leased, occupied, operated or otherwise controlled by EIU. The ban includes e-cigarettes and vaporizers, as well.
The policy applies to any individual on campus property, including, but not limited to, students, faculty, staff, other employees, contractors, subcontractors, volunteers, visitors and members of the public, and is applicable at all times.
Use of tobacco products will be permitted only in private vehicles traveling through or parked on campus provided that second-hand smoke is contained within the vehicle.
These provisions are updates to the existing language of Internal Governing Policy No. 171; these updates will officially go into effect on July 1, 2015.
Additional information regarding the policy change, reporting, enforcement and cessation services will be made available at:
Paul A. McCann
Interim Vice President for Business Affairs/Treasurer