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Official University Emails

Sent: 2014-04-09
From: Michael Mulvaney, Ph.D., CPRP, Department of Recreation Administration
To: Various Recipients

Subject: Outdoor Recreation Interests Survey

Dear EIU Student:

The Department of Recreation Administration’s REC 4740 (Research & Evaluation in Recreation) class is conducting a survey to discover the present and future needs for outdoor recreation programs and services as identified by students at Eastern Illinois University. With the data provided, we hope to determine students’ interests in outdoor recreation programs and services as well as provide a planning direction for potential outdoor recreational services within the community.  
You have the opportunity to provide us with significant information that will aid in recommendations for possible changes and improvements. Only through your input can we truly identify outdoor recreation programs and services which are suitable to your leisure interests. Please take the time now to complete the online questionnaire:
The questionnaire takes 10 minutes to complete. A link to the survey is provided below.  Participation in this study is completely voluntary. Your feedback is confidential and only data in grouped form will be published.  Since the accuracy of the findings depends on a high rate of response from the student population, we urge you to take time to fill out the online questionnaire by April 18, 2014.
If you have any questions, please contact us at (217) 581-6589 or by e-mail at We appreciate your time and assistance.
The undergraduate students of REC 4740 and
Michael Mulvaney, REC 4740 Instructor        
Department of Recreation Administration