Meet with your academic advisor virtually over Zoom or in person at Orientation. Students who choose to be advised over Zoom will receive an email from their advisor to schedule a meeting before their Orientation date and must respond to that email within 24 hours. Please note that there is an extremely limited number of in-person advising appointments on each Orientation day.
Submit your photo for your Panther Card through MyEIU. You'll receive an email with instructions for completing this step so please be sure you are checking your email frequently. You’ll receive your Panther Card at Orientation.
Submit an official copy of your final transcripts, if you need to do so.
Apply for Housing, if required. If you aren’t sure whether you need to live on or off campus, please contact the Housing Office via email at If you sign a lease for off-campus housing, you may lose money if the university determines that you are required to live on campus.
Submit Immunization Record Form to the Medical Clinic by Aug. 1 (fall semester), Dec. 15 (spring semester), and May 1 (summer semester).
Check your EIU email regularly for updates. This is the primary way EIU will contact you, so you will want to check it regularly for important updates and news.
After Orientation
Make plans to attend Welcome Weekend on Aug. 22-24. Welcome Weekend is required for all new undergraduate students.
Check your Panther Mail. We'll be sending information regarding Welcome Weekend and we don't want you to miss anything! Instructions for accessing your Panther Mail can be found here.
Refer to Housing's lists of what to bring and what should be left at home here.
Get your books from Textbook Rental Service. More information about Textbook Rental can be found here.